Module Launcher 0.2.0 | Product

module-launcher 0.2.0

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modulelauncher 0.2.0

Python module launcher----------------------This module tries to improve the start-up time of Python scripts. Itdoes so by doing two things: - Eliminating the time it takes to spawn a new Python process. - Loading modules ahead of time.Eliminating interpreter start-up time is done by maintaining a pool ofPython processes. Reducing module load times is done by importingmodules immediately after a worker is spawned. Python is smart aboutnot re-importing modules that are already in ``sys.modules``.I ended up writing this module because of a few small Qt programs thatweren't launching as fast as I would like them too. The results were a~100ms reduction in startup time, which can be attributed to PySidebeing a hefty package to import.There are plenty of bugs and todos left - handling return code andproper process shutdown seem to be on top of the list.Usage=====:: Usage: python-module-launcher-3.3 [-hvdpws] socket [mod, ...] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show version and exit -d, --daemonize run in background (default: no) -p, --pidfile pid file to use if running as a daemon -w, --workers <num> worker processes to start (default: 5) -s, --spare <num> spare worker processes to maintain (default: 3) Arguments: socket path to AF_UNIX socket mod* modules to pre-import in workers Examples: python-module-launcher-3.3 launcher.sock numpy PySide.QtCore echo -n "module" | nc -U launcher.sock echo -n "file path/to/ arg1 arg2 | nc -U launcher.sock echo -n "entrypoint name==0.1.0 console_scripts name arg1 arg2"You can send the following commands to the unix socket:: file path/to/ arg1 arg2 ... module arg1 arg2 ... entrypoint name==0.1.0 console_scripts name arg1 arg2 ...License=======This module is released under the terms of the `Revised BSD License`_.


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