
Creator: coderz1093

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moment dart

moment_dart #

Inspired by moment.js

References #
📖 Read documentation #
🆕 Migrate to 1.0.0 #
Usage #
Creating instance #
There are multiple ways to create an instance.
// From DateTime
final a =;

final b = Moment(DateTime(...));

// This instance won't be affected by global localization!
final c = Moment(b, localization: MomentLocalizations.koKr());
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Setting global localization #
By default, the global localization is en_US.
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Relative Duration #
Relative durations are rather inprecise. See precise duration
for accuracy and flexibility.
Read about thresholds, and more on docs
final yesterday = - const Duration(days: 1);
yesterday.fromNow(); // a day ago

final add5sec = Duration(seconds: 5));
add5sec.fromNow(dropPrefixOrSuffix: true); // a few seconds
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Precise duration #
You can create localized human-readable duration text with
abbreviation, highly-customizable units.
See more on docs.
(delimiter, custom units, abbreviation...)
On Duration objects:
Duration(days: 67, hours: 3, minutes: 2).toDurationString(
form: Abbreviation.semi,
); // in 2 Mo. 7 Tg.
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For Moment:
final epoch = Moment.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0);
final now = DateTime(2023, DateTime.july, 14).toMoment();

print(epoch.fromPrecise(now)); // 53 years 7 months ago
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Calendar #
final Moment now =;

print(now.calendar()); // Today at 03:00 PM
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Other helpful methods #
moment_dart provides numerous convenience methods. Works on both Moment and DateTime.
See all available options in the docs
final now =; // July 19 2023 03:12 PM (UTC+8)

// ISO week, ISO week year
now.week; // 48
now.weekYear; // 2023

now.isLeapYear; // false

// Date creates new `DateTime` with hours, minutes, etc.. omitted; // July 19 2023 00:00 AM

now.clone(); // July 19 2023 03:12 PM

now.nextTuesday(); // July 25 2023 03:12 PM

// and many more!
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Migrate to 1.0.0 #

Instead of MomentLocalizations.ko(), use MomentLocalizations.koKr()
Replace UnitStringForm with:

UnitStringForm.short => Abbreviation.full
UnitStringForm.mid => Abbreviation.semi
UnitStringForm.full => Abbreviation.none

In Moment().calendar() calls: remove weekStart argument
DateTimeConstructors.withTimezone: move isUtc argument to first position
Replace deprecated methods

Contributing #
Contributions of any kind are welcome! Please refer to
Contributors #

Батмэнд Ганбаатар💻 🚧 🌍 📖


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