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msal auth

MSAL Auth #
Microsoft Authentication 🔐 Library for Flutter.
msal_auth plugin provides Microsoft authentication in Android and iOS devices using native MSAL library. This is very straightforward and easy to use.
Features 🚀 #

Option to set one of the following Middleware:

MS Authenticator App
In-App WebView

Supports authentication against Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory)/Microsoft Account tenants as well as Azure Active Directory (AD) B2C tenants
Get auth token silently
Get auth token interactive
Auth Token information
Microsoft User information

To implement MSAL in Flutter, You need to setup an app in Azure Portal and required some of the platform specific configurations.
➡ Follow the step-by-step guide below ⬇️
Create an App in Azure Portal #

First of all, You need to Sign up and create an app on Azure Portal.

To create the app, Search for App registrations, click on it and go to New registration.

Fill the Name and select Supported account types and register it.

Your application is created now and you should see the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID. Those values are required in Dart code.

Now You need to add Android and iOS platform specific configuration in Azure portal. to do that, go to Manage > Authentication > Add platform.

Android Setup - Azure portal #

For Android, You need to provide package name and release signature hash.

To generate a signature hash in Flutter, use the below command:
keytool -exportcert -alias androidreleasekey -keystore app/upload-keystore.jks | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
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Make sure you have release keystore file placed inside /app folder.

Only one signature hash is required because it maps with AndroidManifest.xml.

iOS Setup - Azure portal #

For iOS, You need to provide only Bundle ID.

That's it for the Azure portal configuration.

Please follow the platform configuration ⬇️ before jump to the Dart code.
Android Configuration #

This plugin supports fully customization as you can give configuration JSON that will be used in authentication.
Follow the below steps to complete Android configuration.

Creating MSAL Config JSON #

Create one msal_config.json in /assets folder and copy the JSON from Microsoft default configuration file.

Now add the redirect_uri in the above created JSON as below:
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You can directly copy the Redirect URI from Azure portal.

Setup authentication middleware (Optional) #

Set broker authentication (authenticate user by Microsoft Authenticator App)
"broker_redirect_uri_registered": true
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If Authenticator app is not installed on a device, authorization_user_agent will be used as a auth middleware.

Authenticate using Browser
"broker_redirect_uri_registered": false,
"authorization_user_agent": "BROWSER"
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Authenticate using WebView
"broker_redirect_uri_registered": false,
"authorization_user_agent": "WEBVIEW"
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To learn more about configuring JSON, follow Android MSAL configuration.

Add Activity in AndroidManifest.xml #

Add another activity inside <application> tag.

This is only needed if you want to use Browser as a auth middleware.
<activity android:name="">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

android:scheme="msauth" />
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Replace host by your app's package name and path by the base64 signature hash that is generated above.

iOS Configuration #

Add a new keychain group to your project capabilities. The keychain group should be Configuring your project to use MSAL

If you need to application's redirect URI scheme & LSApplicationQueriesSchemes to allow making calls to Microsoft Authenticator if installed, the below modifications will also be made to your Info.plist file.

Info.plist Modification #

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Code Implementation 👨‍💻 #

This section contains writing Dart code to setup a MSAL application in Flutter and get auth token.

Setup MSAL Application #
final msalAuth = await MsalAuth.createPublicClientApplication(
scopes: <String>[
// Add other scopes here if required.
loginHint: '<EMAIL ID (Optional)>'
androidConfig: AndroidConfig(
configFilePath: 'assets/msal_config.json',
tenantId: '<MICROSOFT_TENANT_ID (Optional)>',
iosConfig: IosConfig(
authority: '<MICROSOFT_TENANT_ID>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize',
// Change auth middleware if you need.
authMiddleware: AuthMiddleware.msAuthenticator,
tenantType: TenantType.entraIDAndMicrosoftAccount,
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To modify value of authority in iOS, follow Configure iOS authority.

in iOS, if middleware is AuthMiddleware.msAuthenticator and Authenticator app is not installed on a device, It will use Safari Browser for authentication.

By default login will be attempted against an Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) tenant which also supports Microsoft Account logins. To login to an Azure AD B2C tenant instead, set the tenantType value to TenantType.azureADB2C.

Get Auth Token (Login to Microsoft account) #

This code is responsible to open Microsoft login page in given middleware and provide token on successful login.

final user = await msalAuth.acquireToken();
log('User data: ${user?.toJson()}');
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Get Auth Token by Silent Call 🔇 (When expired) #

Before using auth token, You must check for the token expiry time. You can do it by accessing tokenExpiresOn property from MsalUser object.

if (msalUser.tokenExpiresOn <= {
final user = await msalAuth.acquireTokenSilent();
log('User data: ${user?.toJson()}');
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This will generate a new token without opening Microsoft login page. However, this method can open the login page if MSALUiRequiredException occurs.
You can learn more about MSAL exceptions.

Follow example code for more details on implementation.


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