
Creator: coderz1093

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multi bloc builder

multi_bloc_builder #
multi_bloc_builder is a Flutter package that provides widgets to manage multiple Bloc or Cubit state streams simultaneously. It simplifies the process of building UI or reacting to state changes when multiple state management objects are involved.
Table of Contents #

Getting Started

Key Points


Key Points

Best Practices

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Features #

MultiBlocBuilder: Combine and rebuild UI based on multiple Bloc or Cubit states.
MultiBlocConsumer: Listen to multiple Bloc or Cubit state changes and react with side effects while rebuilding UI.

Getting Started #
To start using multi_bloc_builder, add it to your pubspec.yaml:
multi_bloc_builder: version
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Then, run:
flutter pub get
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MultiBlocBuilder #
MultiBlocBuilder rebuilds the UI whenever any of the provided blocs or cubits emit new states. It takes a list of blocs and a builder that can use multiple states to construct the widget.
Example: #
import 'package:multi_bloc_builder/multi_bloc_builder.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'data_one_cubit.dart';
import 'data_two_cubit.dart';

class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('MultiBlocBuilder Example')),
body: MultiBlocBuilder(
blocs: [<DataOneCubit>(),<DataTwoCubit>(),
buildWhen: (nextStates, prevStates) {
// Optional: control when to rebuild based on state changes
return true;
builder: (context, states) {
// Access each state by type
final dataOneState = states.get<DataOneState>();
final dataTwoState = states.get<DataTwoState>();

return Column(
children: [
Text('Data One: $dataOneState'),
Text('Data Two: $dataTwoState'),
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Parameters: #

blocs: A list of BlocBase instances (Blocs or Cubits) whose states will be listened to.
buildWhen (optional): A callback that compares previous and current states to determine whether the widget should rebuild. It defaults to rebuilding whenever there is a new state.
builder: A function that builds the widget based on the states of the provided blocs.

Key Points: #

The states.get<T>() method lets you retrieve a specific bloc’s state by its type.
buildWhen allows you to fine-tune when the UI rebuilds, avoiding unnecessary rebuilds for performance optimization.

MultiBlocConsumer #
MultiBlocConsumer extends MultiBlocBuilder by also allowing you to listen for state changes and execute side effects, such as showing alerts or logging.
Example: #
import 'package:multi_bloc_builder/multi_bloc_builder.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'data_one_cubit.dart';
import 'data_two_cubit.dart';
import 'dart:developer';

class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('MultiBlocConsumer Example')),
body: MultiBlocConsumer(
blocs: [<DataOneCubit>(),<DataTwoCubit>(),
buildWhen: (nextStates, prevStates) {
// Control when to rebuild based on state changes
log('BuildWhen: Next: $nextStates, Prev: $prevStates');
return true;
listenWhen: (nextStates, prevStates) {
// Control when the listener gets triggered
log('ListenWhen: Next: $nextStates, Prev: $prevStates');
return true;
listener: (context, states) {
// Execute side effects here based on state changes
final dataOneState = states.get<DataOneState>();
final dataTwoState = states.get<DataTwoState>();

if (dataOneState is DataOneErrorState) {
SnackBar(content: Text('Data One Error: ${dataOneState.error}')),

if (dataTwoState is DataTwoErrorState) {
SnackBar(content: Text('Data Two Error: ${dataTwoState.error}')),

log('Listener: Current States: $states');
builder: (context, states) {
final dataOneState = states.get<DataOneState>();
final dataTwoState = states.get<DataTwoState>();

return Column(
children: [
Text('Data One: $dataOneState'),
Text('Data Two: $dataTwoState'),
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Parameters: #

blocs: A list of BlocBase instances whose states are listened to.
buildWhen (optional): Controls when the widget should rebuild.
listenWhen (optional): Controls when the listener should be triggered.
listener: A callback to perform side effects when the bloc states change.
builder: Builds the UI based on the current states of the provided blocs.

Key Points: #

Use listener to handle side effects like showing error messages or triggering actions without affecting the widget rebuild logic.
listenWhen lets you specify when the listener should be executed, allowing more fine-grained control over side effects.

Best Practices #

Performance Optimization: Use buildWhen and listenWhen to prevent unnecessary widget rebuilds or listener executions.
State Access: Use states.get<T>() to access bloc states by their type. This makes the code more readable and avoids manual type casting.

Conclusion #
MultiBlocBuilder and MultiBlocConsumer simplify handling multiple Bloc or Cubit state streams in Flutter. Whether you're building UI based on multiple states or reacting to state changes with side effects, these widgets provide a clean and efficient way to manage complex state dependencies.


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