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mysqldump 0.0.10
Mysqldump is a django package to import and export mysql database.
* pip install mysqldump
* Add 'dbmanager' to your ''
* Run the below command to backup all database(s) configured inside **
$ ./ exportdb
Installed apps:
Add 'dbmanager' to your ''
Package will use system default tmp directory, if not specified.
TMP_DIR = '/var/www/html/my_project/tmp/'
By default dump file(s) will be stored in project container directory.
Specify the location to store the dumped file(s).
DUMP_DIR = '/var/www/html/my_project/backup_dir/'
Export Database
exportdb will dump all database(s) specified inside
$ ./ exportdb
Running exportdb:
Selected Database: db_name1
Processing file: 20201130095543386091_db_name1.dump
Dump completed on 2020-Nov-30 09:55:43
To dump specified database using database name.
-d, --databases
$ ./ exportdb --databases db_name1 db_name2 ....
Running exportdb:
Selected Database: db_name1
Processing file: 20201130095543386091_db_name1.dump
Dump completed on 2020-Nov-30 09:55:43
Running exportdb:
Selected Database: db_name1
Processing file: 20201130095543920698_db_name2.dump
Dump completed on 2020-Nov-30 09:55:43
To archive the dump data with gzip.
-gz, --compress
$ ./ exportdb --compress
Running exportdb:
Selected Database: db_name1
Processing file: 20201130095543386091_db_name1.dump.gz
Dump completed on 2020-Nov-30 09:55:43
To dump specified table from database.
-tbl, --tables
$ ./ exportdb -d db_name1 --tables tbl_name1 tbl_name2
To ignore specified table from database(s).
itbl, --ignore-table
$ ./ exportdb -d db_name1 --ignore-table db_name1.tbl_name1
$ ./ exportdb -d db_name1 db_name2 --ignore-table db_name1.tbl_name1 db_name2.tbl_name2
Import Database
importdb to restore the specified database.
By default package will check project container directory or DUMP_DIR for the file.
-f, --filename
$ ./ importdb dbname1 -f db_name1.dump.gz
Running importdb:
Selected Database: db_name1
Processing file: db_name1.dump.gz
Restore completed on 2020-Nov-30 09:55:43
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