
Creator: bradpython12

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Simple implementation of a NAS on raspberry PI with disk redundancy + S3 glacier backup.

simplicity : use only simple tools like rsync
reliability : local replication using rsync, per directory. AWS S3 backup for creating off site secured archives
cost : cheap hardware, s3 glacier deep archive cost is ~ 0.3 $ a month per 100GB
easy maintenance : use commodity hardware : raspberry Pi, USB3 hard drives. Can be easily replaced in case of failure
Associate with tools you like based on your needs : Plex media server, Nextcloud, Samba share etc...


The different mode of the Cli are :

naspi -c /path/to/conf.json -m init_config

init a configuration file

naspi -c /path/to/conf.json -m synclocal

sync local folders based on local folder configuration

naspi -c /path/to/conf.json -m syncs3

sync local folders to s3 glacier deep archive

naspi -c /path/to/conf.json -m analyze

give local and s3 replication status

naspi -c /path/to/conf.json -m system

return system information cpu, ram, temp

naspi -c /path/to/conf.json -m backup

backup specific files or folders as set in the backup section of the config file

naspi -c /path/to/conf.json -m osbackup

backup the entire sd card to an .img.gz archive file

Status file
Each run of the CLI updates a status file you will find in the tool working dir. It gives information on the syncronization status, server metrics, disks health and usage etc..
These files are sent to AWS on a regular basis, so mail alerts can be triggered in case of an issue. Emails alerts are also sent in case files are not received, probably meaning the NAS is unreachable.
Example status file :
"disks": {
"disk-list": [
"name": "/disks/disk2",
"occupied_%": "13% ",
"present": true
"name": "/disks/disk1",
"occupied_%": "13% ",
"present": true
"name": " /",
"occupied_%": " 46%",
"present": true
"all_disks_ok": true,
"last_run": "2021-02-10 23:50:01"
"local_sync": {
"success": true,
"files_source": 101255,
"files_dest": 101257,
"files_delta": -2,
"locked": false,
"last_started": "2021-02-10 23:14:17",
"last_run": "2021-02-10 23:21:02"
"s3_sync": {
"success": true,
"files_source": 23105,
"files_dest": 23105,
"files_delta": 0,
"locked": false,
"last_started": "2021-02-10 17:32:35",
"last_run": "2021-02-10 17:33:25"
"server": {
"cpu_%": " 1,4 ",
"ram_Mo": " 508 ",
"temp_c": "50.6'C",
"last_run": "2021-02-10 23:50:02"



A raspberry pi4 (should work with pi3) with pi OS installed
2 USB3 disks (might require power supply as the Pi can't power up 2 * 2.5 disks)
Install disks and configure the mount points in /etc/fstab
An AWS account with admin access


Install naspi from Pypi :
pip3 install naspi

Configure Naspi

Initialize a new config file
naspi -c ./naspi_config.json -m init_config

Configure the tool
vi ./naspi_config.json

Initially the config file is :
"disks_list": [],
"folder_to_sync_locally": [],
"folders_to_sync_s3": [],
"naspi_configuration": {
"working_dir": "",
"backup": {
"files_to_backup": [],
"backup_location": "",
"os_backup_location": ""

Set the "working_dir" to a directory to store the naspi files (logs, config, status files)

Set the "disks_list" : mount points of the disks storing the data so they can be monitored

"disks_list": [

Set "folder_to_sync_locally" following the examples below. "delete" option means the deletion are replicated as well.

"folder_to_sync_locally": [
"source_folder": "/disks/disk1/media/photos/",
"dest_folder": "/disks/disk2/media/photos/",
"delete": false
"source_folder": "/disks/disk1/media/download/",
"dest_folder": "/disks/disk2/media/download/",
"delete": true

Set "folders_to_sync_s3". delete option not implemented yet

"folders_to_sync_s3": [
"source_folder": "/disks/disk1/media/photos/",
"dest_folder": "s3://<bucket-name>/photos",
"exclude": [
"delete": false
"source_folder": "/disks/disk1/media/download",
"dest_folder": "s3://<bucket-name>/download",
"delete": false

Set "naspi_configuration" block with files you need to backup

"naspi_configuration": {
"working_dir": "/home/pi/naspi",
"backup": {
"files_to_backup": [
"backup_location": "/disks/disk1/backups/",
"os_backup_location": "/disks/disk1/osbackups/"

Set the crons : naspi CLI will be invoked based on a cron schedule.
Export the path with your local user to make the naspi command available
crontab -e

11 01 * * * export PATH=/home/pi/.local/bin:$PATH && naspi -c /home/pi/naspi/naspi_config.json -m backup
32 17 * * * export PATH=/home/pi/.local/bin:$PATH && naspi -c /home/pi/naspi/naspi_config.json -m syncs3
06 * * * * export PATH=/home/pi/.local/bin:$PATH && naspi -c /home/pi/naspi/naspi_config.json -m synclocal
*/10 * * * * export PATH=/home/pi/.local/bin:$PATH && naspi -c /home/pi/naspi/naspi_config.json -m system
11 3 * * 2 export PATH=/home/pi/.local/bin:$PATH && naspi -c /home/pi/nas_monitor/naspi_config.json -m osbackup

Deploy resources in AWS account
Several resources are deployed in AWS : S3 bucket, user, monitoring lambda functions, SNS topic for email notifications.

In your AWS account, with administrator access : go to cloudformation service
Create a new stack using the template aws/deply-naspi.yml
Parameters of the stack are :

NaspiBucketName (REQUIRED): Bucket Name to save the content backed up from the NAS
EmailForReceivingAlerts (REQUIRED) : Email address to receive the NAS alerts
MonitoringSchedule : This defines the Schedule at which to trigger the Naspi monitoring function. Default: cron(0 15 ? * * *)

Generate access keys
AWS Access keys will give the NAS access to the AWS account (S3 bucket)

In your AWS account, with administrator access : go to IAM service
Find the user NasPiUser
Go to security credentials, generate an access key / secret key pair

Configure AWS CLI

Insert the access key / secret key obtained before in ˜/.aws/credentials file :
aws_access_key_id = AKIAJXXXXXXXXXXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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