
Creator: coderz1093

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nfc manager

nfc_manager #
Flutter plugin for accessing the NFC features on Android and iOS.
Note: This plugin depends on NFCTagReaderSession (requires iOS 13.0 or later) and NfcAdapter#enableReaderMode (requires Android API level 19 or later).
Setup #
Android Setup

Add android.permission.NFC to your AndroidManifest.xml.

iOS Setup

Add Near Field Communication Tag Reader Session Formats Entitlements to your entitlements.

Add NFCReaderUsageDescription to your Info.plist.

Add and to your Info.plist as needed.

Usage #
Handling Session
// Check availability
bool isAvailable = await NfcManager.instance.isAvailable();

// Start Session
onDiscovered: (NfcTag tag) async {
// Do something with an NfcTag instance.

// Stop Session
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Handling Platform Tag
The following platform-tag-classes are available:

FeliCa (iOS only)
Iso7816 (iOS only)
Iso15693 (iOS only)
MiFare (iOS only)
NfcA (Android only)
NfcB (Android only)
NfcF (Android only)
NfcV (Android only)
IsoDep (Android only)
MifareClassic (Android only)
MifareUtralight (Android only)
NdefFormatable (Android only)

Obtain an instance by calling the factory constructor from on the class. For example:
Ndef? ndef = Ndef.from(tag);

if (ndef == null) {
print('Tag is not compatible with NDEF');

// Do something with an Ndef instance
copied to clipboard
Please see the API Doc for more details.
Real-World-App #
See this repo which is a Real-World-App demonstrates how to use this plugin.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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