
Creator: coderz1093

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ollama dart

Ollama Dart Client #

Unofficial Dart client for Ollama API.
Features #

Fully type-safe, documented and tested
All platforms supported (including streaming on web)
Custom base URL, headers and query params support (e.g. HTTP proxies)
Custom HTTP client support (e.g. SOCKS5 proxies or advanced use cases)

Supported endpoints:

Completions (with streaming support)
Chat completions (with streaming and tool calling support)

Table of contents #



Generate completion
Stream completion

Chat completions

Generate chat completion
Stream chat completion
Tool calling


Generate embedding


Create model
List models
List running models
Show Model Information
Pull a Model
Push a Model
Check if a Blob Exists


Advance Usage

Default HTTP client
Custom HTTP client
Using a proxy

HTTP proxy
SOCKS5 proxy


Usage #
Refer to the documentation for more information about the API.
Completions #
Given a prompt, the model will generate a response.
Generate completion
final generated = await client.generateCompletion(
request: GenerateCompletionRequest(
model: 'mistral:latest',
prompt: 'Why is the sky blue?',
// The sky appears blue because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering...
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Stream completion
final stream = client.generateCompletionStream(
request: GenerateCompletionRequest(
model: 'mistral:latest',
prompt: 'Why is the sky blue?',
String text = '';
await for (final res in stream) {
text += res.response?.trim() ?? '';
// The sky appears blue because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering...
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Chat completions #
Given a prompt, the model will generate a response in a chat format.
Generate chat completion
final res = await client.generateChatCompletion(
request: GenerateChatCompletionRequest(
model: defaultModel,
messages: [
role: MessageRole.system,
content: 'You are a helpful assistant.',
role: MessageRole.user,
content: 'List the numbers from 1 to 9 in order.',
keepAlive: 1,
// Message(role: MessageRole.assistant, content: 123456789)
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Stream chat completion
final stream = client.generateChatCompletionStream(
request: GenerateChatCompletionRequest(
model: defaultModel,
messages: [
role: MessageRole.system,
content: 'You are a helpful assistant.',
role: MessageRole.user,
content: 'List the numbers from 1 to 9 in order.',
keepAlive: 1,

String text = '';
await for (final res in stream) {
text += (res.message?.content ?? '').trim();
// 123456789
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Tool calling
Tool calling allows a model to respond to a given prompt by generating output that matches a user-defined schema, that you can then use to call the tools in your code and return the result back to the model to complete the conversation.

Tool calling requires Ollama 0.2.8 or newer.
Streaming tool calls is not supported at the moment.
Not all models support tool calls. Check the Ollama catalogue for models that have the Tools tag (e.g. llama3.1).

const tool = Tool(
function: ToolFunction(
name: 'get_current_weather',
description: 'Get the current weather in a given location',
parameters: {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'location': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The city and country, e.g. San Francisco, US',
'unit': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The unit of temperature to return',
'enum': ['celsius', 'fahrenheit'],
'required': ['location'],

const userMsg = Message(
role: MessageRole.user,
content: 'What’s the weather like in Barcelona in celsius?',

final res1 = await client.generateChatCompletion(
request: GenerateChatCompletionRequest(
model: 'llama3.1',
messages: [userMsg],
tools: [tool],

// [
// ToolCall(
// function:
// ToolCallFunction(
// name: get_current_weather,
// arguments: {
// location: Barcelona, ES,
// unit: celsius
// }
// )
// )
// ]

// Call your tool here. For this example, we'll just mock the response.
const toolResult = '{"location": "Barcelona, ES", "temperature": 20, "unit": "celsius"}';

// Submit the response of the tool call to the model
final res2 = await client.generateChatCompletion(
request: GenerateChatCompletionRequest(
model: 'llama3.1',
messages: [
role: MessageRole.tool,
content: toolResult,
// The current weather in Barcelona is 20°C.
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Embeddings #
Given a prompt, the model will generate an embedding representing the prompt.
Generate embedding
final generated = await client.generateEmbedding(
request: GenerateEmbeddingRequest(
model: 'mistral:latest',
prompt: 'Here is an article about llamas...',
// [8.566641807556152, 5.315540313720703, ...]
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Models #
Create model
Creates a new local model using a modelfile.
await client.createModel(
request: CreateModelRequest(
model: 'mario',
modelfile: 'FROM mistral:latest\nSYSTEM You are mario from Super Mario Bros.',
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You can also stream the status of the model creation:
final stream = client.createModelStream(
request: CreateModelRequest(
model: 'mario',
modelfile: 'FROM mistral:latest\nSYSTEM You are mario from Super Mario Bros.',
await for (final res in stream) {
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List models
List models that are available locally.
final res = await client.listModels();
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List running models
Lists models currently loaded and their memory footprint.
final res = await client.listRunningModels();
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Show Model Information
Show details about a model including modelfile, template, parameters, license, and system prompt.
final res = await client.showModelInfo(
request: ModelInfoRequest(model: 'mistral:latest'),
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Pull a Model
Download a model from the ollama library. Cancelled pulls are resumed from where they left off, and multiple calls will share the same download progress.
final res = await client.pullModel(
request: PullModelRequest(model: 'yarn-llama3:13b-128k-q4_1'),
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You can also stream the pulling status:
final stream = client.pullModelStream(
request: PullModelRequest(model: 'yarn-llama3:13b-128k-q4_1'),
await for (final res in stream) {
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Push a Model
Upload a model to a model library.
Requires registering for ollama.ai and adding a public key first.
final res = await client.pushModel(
request: PushModelRequest(model: 'mattw/pygmalion:latest'),
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You can also stream the pushing status:
final stream = client.pushModelStream(
request: PushModelRequest(model: 'mattw/pygmalion:latest'),
await for (final res in stream) {
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Check if a Blob Exists
Ensures that the file blob used for a FROM or ADAPTER field exists on the server. This is checking your Ollama server and not Ollama.ai.
await client.checkBlob(
digest: 'sha256:29fdb92e57cf0827ded04ae6461b5931d01fa595843f55d36f5b275a52087dd2',
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If the blob doesn't exist, an OllamaClientException exception will be thrown.
Version #
Get the version of the Ollama server.
final res = await client.getVersion();
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Advance Usage #
Default HTTP client #
By default, the client uses http://localhost:11434/api as the baseUrl and the following implementations of http.Client:

Non-web: IOClient
Web: FetchClient (to support streaming on web)

Custom HTTP client #
You can always provide your own implementation of http.Client for further customization:
final client = OllamaClient(
client: MyHttpClient(),
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Using a proxy #
HTTP proxy
You can use your own HTTP proxy by overriding the baseUrl and providing your required headers:
final client = OllamaClient(
baseUrl: 'https://my-proxy.com',
headers: {
'x-my-proxy-header': 'value',
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If you need further customization, you can always provide your own http.Client.
SOCKS5 proxy
To use a SOCKS5 proxy, you can use the socks5_proxy package:
final baseHttpClient = HttpClient();
SocksTCPClient.assignToHttpClient(baseHttpClient, [
ProxySettings(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 1080),
final httpClient = IOClient(baseClient);

final client = OllamaClient(
client: httpClient,
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Acknowledgements #
The generation of this client was made possible by the openapi_spec package.
License #
Ollama Dart Client is licensed under the MIT License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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