
Creator: coderz1093

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open weather client

open_weather_client #
Unofficial Dart package in order to make use of OpenWeatherMAP API easily.
The plugin can currently be used to fetch weather data by city name or geolocation(latitude, longitude) and by ZIP Code (zipCode and countryCode).
The plugin also supports 5 days weather forecast by city name, geolocation and by ZIP code
The plugin also supports multiple unit types:
To receive all data in Fahrenheit, use WeatherUnits.STANDARD
For Celsius, use WeatherUnits.METRIC
For Kelvin use WeatherUnits.IMPERIAL
The plugin also supports different languages:
To receive all data in GERMAN, use Languages.GERMAN
The default language is Languages.ENGLISH
Demo #

Install package #
To install the dependency, add open_weather_client to your pubspec.yaml.
Usage #
Prebuilt functions for current weather #
Before you can use the plugin, you need an API key from OpenWeatherMAP. The plugin only uses those endpoints that can be acquired for free.
Once you have the API key, do the following:
import 'package:open_weather_client/open_weather.dart';


OpenWeather openWeather = OpenWeather(apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY');
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The current weather is fetched through the city name or geolocation.
final String _key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
final String _cityName = 'Florida';
final double _latitude = 52.3545828;
final double _longitude = 4.7638781;
final int _zipCode = 3512;
final String _countryCode = 'NL';
final Languages _language = Languages.ENGLISH;
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For fetching through city name, you can do the following:
WeatherData weatherData = await openWeather
cityName: _cityName, weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC)
.catchError((err) => print(err));
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For fetching through geolocation, you can do the following:
WeatherData weatherData = await openWeather
latitude: _latitude,
longitude: _longitude,
weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC)
.catchError((err) => print(err));
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For fetching through ZIP Code, you can do the following:
WeatherData weatherData = await openWeather
zipCode: _zipCode,
countryCode: _countryCode,
weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC)
.catchError((err) => print(err));
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Accessing values
In order to access the fetched weather values, you can go through each classes holding the specific values.\
The Coordinates class holds the following info:

lat (City geo location, latitude, retrieved from the API)
lon (City geo location, longitude, retrieved from the API)

The Details class holds the following info:
Important! Details class retrieves a List, so you have to loop through it to access it's values.

id (Weather condition id coming from the API)
weatherShortDescription (Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.) coming from the API)
weatherLongDescription (Weather condition within the group coming from the API)
icon (holds the icon id used by OpenWeatherMAP API)

The Temperature class holds the following info:

currentTemperature (Temperature. Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, Imperial: Fahrenheit. coming from the API)
feelsLike (Temperature. This temperature parameter accounts for the human perception of weather. Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, Imperial: Fahrenheit. coming from the API)
tempMin (Minimum temperature at the moment. This is minimal currently observed temperature (within large megalopolises and urban areas). Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, Imperial: Fahrenheit. coming from the API)
tempMax (Maximum temperature at the moment. This is maximal currently observed temperature (within large megalopolises and urban areas). Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, Imperial: Fahrenheit. coming from the API)
pressure (Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level, if there is no sea_level or grnd_level data), hPa, coming from the API)
humidity (Humidity, %, coming from the API)

The Wind class holds the following info:

speed (Wind speed. Unit Default: meter/sec, Metric: meter/sec, Imperial: miles/hour. coming from the API)
deg (Wind direction, degrees (meteorological). coming from the API)
gust (Wind gust. Unit Default: meter/sec, Metric: meter/sec, Imperial: miles/hour. coming from the API)

To access them you can do the following:
WeatherData weatherData = await openWeather
cityName: _cityName, weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC)
.catchError((err) => print(err))
.then((data) {
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Prebuilt widgets for current weather #
Alternativel you can use the built in widgets to populate your app with some nice UI showing weather insights:
For fetching through city name, you can do the following:
apiKey: _key,
cityName: _cityName,
weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC,
color: Colors.white,
language: Languages.ENGLISH
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For fetching through geolocation, you can do the following:
apiKey: _key,
latitude: _latitude,
longitude: _longitude,
weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC,
color: Colors.white,
language: Languages.ENGLISH

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For fetching through ZIP Code, you can do the following:
apiKey: _key,
zipCode: _zipCode,
countryCode: _countryCode,
weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC,
color: Colors.white,
language: Languages.ENGLISH

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Prebuilt functions for 5 days weather forecast #
Important! Forecast retrieves a List, so you have to loop through it to access it's values.
For fetching through city name, you can do the following:
WeatherForecastData weatherData = await openWeather
cityName: _cityName,
weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC,
language: Languages.ENGLISH)
.catchError((err) => print(err));
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For fetching through geolocation, you can do the following:
WeatherForecastData weatherData = await openWeather
latitude: _latitude,
longitude: _longitude,
weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC,
language: Languages.ENGLISH)
.catchError((err) => print(err));
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For fetching through ZIP Code, you can do the following:
WeatherForecastData weatherData = await openWeather
zipCode: _zipCode,
countryCode: _countryCode,
weatherUnits: WeatherUnits.METRIC,
language: Languages.ENGLISH)
.catchError((err) => print(err));
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For more info and demo implementation check the example folder.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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