otgCrypto 0.0.21

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otgCrypto 0.0.21

The expansion of OTG cryptography is One Time Gamble. It is a hybrid and lightweight cryptographic system. that transforms a plaintext into a ciphertext so that secret communication is to be ensured.

In the OTG system, the original password is hidden under several fake passwords in a vault. Also, these passwords are hashed by bcrypt hash function which is a one-way encryption and cannot be reversed. Moreover, the secret message will be deleted by itself if a user gives the wrong password only at once. As a result, it will be so much more difficult for a hacker to guess, retrieve and use the password correctly among fake passwords. Furthermore, the key is 128 bits long. So, a hacker needs to go for 2128 = 3.402e+38 possible ways in terms of finding the correct key to decrypt the ciphertext. It is by far impossible for a regular user device to solve the math. It will need a supercomputer to do the computation. However, a low computational powered device (e.g. IOT device) can easily handle it because of its symmetric and stream cipher architecture. Thus, it makes the algorithm lightweight. Also, OTG is a software and hardware-independent cryptography. In conclusion, this new innovation can make a fruitful impact on the current security epidemic.

Program Utilization

A user inputed password.
A user inputed secret message.
The secret messages is stored in a vault with ChaCha20poly1305 method.
A dictionary is containing manipulated (fake) passwords in addition to the real password.
A dictionary containing seeds (Seed generator). Seeds are simply pointers that point to the secret message.
The encryption algorithm: cipher = password XOR key.
The decrpytion algorithm: key = password XOR cipher.
A try/except block to search for actual password that do exist in the password dictionary.
The message will be deleted if a user give wrong password.

Ideal Applications To Use

Government Secret Message
Sensitive Business Communication
Low Computational Powered Device


OTG is a very typo sensitive system.
It should be used only for very sensitive work.
This cryptography ensures OTC (One Time Chance) method.
Message will be deleted if a user gives wrong password only at once.

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