
Creator: coderz1093

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overlay pop up

overlay_pop_up #
A new Flutter plugin to display pop ups or screens over other apps in Android even when app is closed or killed.

Demo #

Android #
add this to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />

android:exported="false" />
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Android 14 #
applications that target SDK 34 and use foreground service should include foregroundServiceType attribute(see documentation).
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />

<!-- add this -->
android:foregroundServiceType="camera, dataSync, location, etc" />
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Flutter implementation #
configure your main.dart entry point a widget to display (make sure to add @pragma('vm:entry-point'))
Now you can pass as parameter the dart entry point method name when showOverlay is called
void overlayPopUp() {
runApp(const MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: Text('Hello Pub.dev!'),
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Overlay Methods #
returns true when overlay permission is alreary granted if permission is not granted then open app settings
await OverlayPopUp.requestPermission();
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returns true or false according to permission status
await OverlayPopUp.checkPermission();
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display your overlay and return true if is showed

height is not required by default is MATCH_PARENT

width is not required by default is MATCH_PARENT

verticalAlignment is not required by default is CENTER for more info see: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/Gravity

horizontalAlignment is not required by default is CENTER for more info see: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/Gravity

backgroundBehavior by default is focusable flag that is you can take focus inside a overlay for example inside a textfield and [tapThrough] you can tap through the overlay background even if has MATCH_PARENT sizes.

screenOrientation by default orientation is portrait.

closeWhenTapBackButton by default when user presses back button the overlay no has any action if you pass true then back button will close overlay.

isDraggable by default is false therefore the overlay canĀ“t be dragged.

entryPointMethodName by default is 'overlayPopUp' if you want you can change it
await OverlayPopUp.showOverlay();
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returns true if overlay closed correctly or already is closed
await OverlayPopUp.closeOverlay();
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returns the overlay status true = open, false = closed
await OverlayPopUp.isActive();
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returns the last overlay position if drag is enabled
await OverlayPopUp.getOverlayPosition();
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share dynamic data to overlay
await OverlayPopUp.sendToOverlay({'data':'hello!'});
await OverlayPopUp.sendToOverlay('hello');
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receive the data from flutter as stream
await OverlayPopUp.dataListener();
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