packpath 0.9.4

Creator: bradpython12

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packpath 0.9.4

Automatically upload Signal stickers from a given path and YAML configuration
Install it
The package is available in PyPI, through pip:
$ pip3 install packpath

But you can also simply checkout this repository and run it as a module:
$ git clone
$ cd packpath
$ python3 -m packpath (plus arguments, see below)

How it works
packpath reads a path and loads a config.yaml file from it to automatically
fill a signalstickers-client client, and submit stickers.
It subclasses signalstickers_client.models.LocalStickerPack to add a
load_path() method.
You need to provide your username and password, as well as the path to a
sticker directory containing a config.yaml file. See below for details
on both, or run packpath --help:
$ packpath --user [uuid_id] --password [password] [path_to_sticker_dir]

# Most of this README and its instructions are available in the
# command's help:
$ packpath --help

YAML format
The YAML format is rather simple:
title: Your sticker pack title
author: An author name
cover: filename-for-the-cover.png

filename.png: 👀
another-filename.png: 👋

To save yourself some work, you can use ls to output an almost ready
list of filenames to use on your config.yaml:
$ ls -1 >> config.yaml

Signal credentials

You will need your Signal credentials To obtain them, open the
Developer Tools in Signal Desktop, and type
window.reduxStore.getState().items.uuid_id to get your USER, and
window.reduxStore.getState().items.password to get your PASSWORD.

The above is also available in python3 -m packpath --help.
This is a simple wrapper on top of the very handy
Go check it out.
All boiler plate disclaimers apply. But also please be respectful of
Signal's service. Don't abuse this or any other script. This is meant to
help legitimate users make the most of the service.
Make sure to run flake8 on any changes you make, and also to run the
$ flake8 packpath
$ python3 -m unittest discover


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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