
Creator: coderz1093

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password strength verificator

Password Strength Verificator #
This package provides a function to check the strength of a password
Scoring password #
Each password starts with a score of 0 and earns one point for each item:

have lowercase letters
have capital letters
have numbers
have symbols

Identifying password strength #

Case the length of password is lower than required password length the password is tiny
Case the score is 0 or 1 the password is very week
Case the score is 2 the password is week
Case the score is 3 the password is good
Case the score is 4 the password is strong

Tiny: #
A password will be considered tiny when its length is shorter than required.
Example #
import 'package:password_strength_verificator/password_strength_verificator.dart';

void main(List<String> args) async {
final verificator = PasswordStrengthVerificator(requiredLength: 8);
final tiny = await verificator('abcd');
final veryWeek = await verificator('abcdefgh');
final week = await verificator('abcdEFGH');
final good = await verificator('abcdABC1');
final strong = await verificator('aaBB11@@');

print([tiny, week, strong, veryWeek, week, good]);

// shows: [PasswordStrength.tiny, PasswordStrength.week, PasswordStrength.strong, PasswordStrength.veryWeek, PasswordStrength.week, PasswordStrength.good]


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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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