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pgappsda is a Flutter package designed to simplify the development process by offering a collection of modified predefined widgets, starting with a customizable button widget. This tool is aimed at developers looking to reduce their workload and enhance their UI with ready-to-use, flexible widget options.
Features #
Customizable Button Widget: A highly customizable button widget to fit any UI design, making your app development faster and more efficient.
Easy to Use: pgappsda is designed to be developer-friendly, with simple yet powerful configurations.
Future Widgets: Plans to expand the library with more modified predefined widgets, providing a comprehensive toolkit for Flutter development.
(More features and widgets will be added in future releases.)
Getting started #
To start using pgappsda, ensure you have Flutter installed on your machine.
pgappsda: ^latest_version
Install it by running this command from your terminal:
flutter pub get
Import pgappsda in your Dart code:
import 'package:pgappsda/pgappsda.dart';
Usage #
PgButton(title: 'Save', onTap: (){},),
copied to clipboard
const like = 'sample';
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
pgappsda is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions and suggestions! If you have ideas for new widgets, improvements, or have encountered bugs, please file an issue on our GitHub repository.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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