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phone number validation input
Phone Number Validation Input #
Features #
Validate phone numbers based on country dial codes
Ability to accept email address
Can be used as a simple TextField
Customizable UI elements including text style, border, hint text, and more
Getting started #
To start using this package, add phone_number_validation_input to your pubspec.yaml:
phone_number_validation_input: ^1.0.0
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Then run:
flutter pub get
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Usage #
Here is a basic example of how to use the PhoneNumberValidatorInput widget:
import 'package:phone_number_validation_input/phone_number_validation_input.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
final TextEditingController _phoneController = TextEditingController();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Phone Number Validator Input Example'),
body: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: PhoneNumberValidatorInput(
controller: _phoneController,
canAcceptEmail: false,
hintText: 'e.g., +98 912 345 6789',
emptyFieldErrorMessage: 'Please enter a phone number',
inValidPhoneNumberErrorMessage: 'Please enter a valid phone number',
inValidLengthErrorMessage: 'The phone number length is not valid',
onChanged: (value) {
print('Phone number: $value');
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Customization #
The PhoneNumberValidatorInput widget provides several properties to customize its appearance and behavior:
height: Height of the input field.
**cursorHeight: **Height of the cursor.
margin: Margin around the input field.
autoFocus: Automatically focus the input field.
style: Text style for the input field.
onChanged: Callback for when the input changes.
maxLength: Maximum length of the input.
minLines: Minimum number of lines for the input field.
isEnabled: Enable or disable the input field.
**canAcceptEmail: ** Allow the input field to accept email addresses.
alignment: Text alignment.
focusNode: Focus node for the input field.
type: Text input type.
validator: Validator function for the input field.
controller: Controller for the input field.
maxLines: Maximum number of lines for the input field.
isSecureText: Obscure text for password fields.
labelText: Label text for the input field.
suffixIconPath: Path to the suffix icon.
emptyFieldErrorMessage: Error message for empty fields.
inValidPhoneNumberErrorMessage: Error message for invalid phone numbers.
inValidEmailErrorMessage: Error message for invalid email addresses.
inValidLengthErrorMessage: Error message for invalid phone number length.
onSuffixIconPressed: Callback for when the suffix icon is pressed.
onTap: Callback for when the input field is tapped.
svgSuffixIconColor: Color for the SVG suffix icon.
suffixIconWidget: Custom widget for the suffix icon.
fillColor: Fill color for the input field.
cursorColor: Color of the cursor.
cursorErrorColor: Color of the cursor when an error occurs.
border: Border for the input field.
hintText: Hint text for the input field.
**hintStyle: **Text style for the hint text.
labelStyle: Text style for the label text.
errorStyle: Text style for the error messages.
readOnly: Make the input field read-only.
canRequestFocus: Allow the input field to request focus.
textCapitalization: Text capitalization behavior for the input field.
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