pickley 4.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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pickley 4.3.0

Automate installation of standalone python CLIs

pickley allows to install and keep up-to-date standalone pip-installable python CLIs
such as tox, hatch, etc.
It is similar to pipx, main difference being installed CLIs automatically self-upgrade
as you use them.
It can work out of the box, without any configuration:

pickley is portable, it will run and install other CLIs in the same folder it’s running from
(drop it in ~/.local/bin or /usr/local/bin for example)
All pypi packages with console_scripts entry point(s) can be immediately installed
Latest non-prerelease pypi version will be installed by default
(can be pinned via explicit pin pickley install foo==1.0, or via configuration)

With some configuration, the following becomes possible:

You can pin what version to install, what python to use etc, per pypi package
You can define bundle-s: names that install several pypi packages at once,
for example: you could define a bundle:dev to install tox pipenv pre-commit
You can use a custom pypi server index (pip’s default is respected by default)
You can use the symlink delivery method, which will use symlinks instead of self-upgrading wrapper

Once you have pickley, you can get other python CLIs and use them as standalone programs, for example:
# One-liner to grab pickley, and drop it in ~/.local/bin
$ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codrsquad/pickley/main/src/pickley/bstrap.py | /usr/bin/python3 -

# Double-check you do have ~/.local/bin in your PATH
$ which -a pickley

$ pickley base

$ pickley install tox hatch
Installed tox v4.5.2 in 6 seconds 501 ms
Installed hatch v1.7.0 in 15 seconds

$ which tox

$ tox --version
tox version 3.21.4

$ pickley list
| Package | Version |
| tox | 4.5.2 |
| hatch | 1.7.0 |

See config


Any pypi package that has console_scripts entry point can be installed and kept up-to-date
Aims to work with zero configuration (but configuration is possible):

entirely portable, installations are performed in the same folder where pickley resides,
drop it in ~/.local/bin and all the stuff you install with it will also be there
latest non pre-release version from pypi is used


check: exit with code 0 if specified package(s) are up-to-date
install: install specified package(s)
list: list installed packages via pickley, in folder where it resides (not globally)
package: can be used to simplify packaging of python projects for internal use


Install latest version in ~/.local/bin
Handy one-line using bash:
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codrsquad/pickley/main/get-pickley)"
Handy one-liner using python (see --help, the script accepts a few options):
$ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codrsquad/pickley/main/src/pickley/bstrap.py | /usr/bin/python3 - --help

Install from source
Run (you will need tox):
git clone https://github.com/codrsquad/pickley.git
cd pickley
python3 -mvenv .venv
.venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt -r tests/requirements.txt -e .
.venv/bin/pickley --help


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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