pi3dpf-ns-pi3dpf-base 0.1.214

Creator: bradpython12

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pi3dpfnspi3dpfbase 0.1.214


Raspberry 3B+ or later
Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop and recommended software
OpenWeatherMap API key (free, registration required)

Download pi3d-pictureframe Debian package from here
Install pi3d-pictureframe and its dependencies:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get full-upgrade # update OS
cd /var/tmp; wget download-url # download debian package to install picture-frame package
sudo apt-get -f install /var/tmp/pi3d-pictureframe_2020.0719.171252-20b0bf4_armhf.deb # install

sudo raspi-config # change raspberry graphic system configuration
1: set gpu_mem=128 (Option 7 > A3 > Enter 128 or 256)
2: enable FAKE KMS driver (Option 7 > A8 > G2)

Basic Configuration
This is the main configuration file. You want to change the cities, language and units used to display weather information provided by OpenWeatherMap.
Edit the file: vi /home/pi/.pf/pf.config, then add:
#find your city ID: http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz
OWM_CITY_IDS : 2657896:de ; Zurich, Switzerland. Show weather description in German
OWM_UNITS : metric ; use 'metric' for °C or 'imperial' for °F

CEC_CONTROL_TV : no ; if you do not wish the TV turns on when picture frame starts
MQTT_SERVER_NAME : egnor.nyx.net ; use your MQTT server name instead


on above 'vi' command, use 'i' to insert text, ':wq' the save pf.config
pf.config parameter values can be assigned using colon (:) or equal sign (=)
comments can be made using hash (#) or semi-colon (;). For in-line comments, always use (;)
You may change arbitrary default values by perusing /opt/venvs/pi3d-pictureframe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pi3dpf/cfg/pf.config, copy parameter names to /home/pi/.pf/pf.config and change their values.
Beware using dns names (e.g. egnor.nyx.net) in MQTT_SERVER_NAME. If service does not start after reboot, use IP address instead.

This file holds your API keys and passwords. pf.config parameters with their values prefixed with !SECRET will retrieve their effective values from pf_secrets.
OWM_API_KEY : !SECRET owm_api_key ; origin: pf.config
Edit the file: vi /home/pi/.pf/pf_secrets, then add:
mqtt_password: mqtt-secret
owm_api_key: register-and-get-your-own-key


Above example demonstrates how the pf.config parameter OWM_API_KEY is configured to get the value register-and-get-your-own-key. All you need to do is adding your API key to pf_secrets.
you need to supply your own owm_api_key.
changes to /home/pi/.pf/pf.config and /home/pi/.pf/pf_secrets take effect upon application restart.
More on mqtt clients and mqtt_password in MQTT section.

Starting Picture Frame from the Command Line
Should you prefer starting the picture frame using MQTT, skip to the next section.
As user pi, on RPi3B+:
pi@campero:~ $ source /opt/venvs/pi3d-pictureframe/bin/activate
(pi3d-pictureframe) pi@campero:~/pi3d_demos $ PictureFrame2020.py --help # show available options
(pi3d-pictureframe) pi@campero:~ $ pictureframe.sh -h # show available options from helper script
(pi3d-pictureframe) pi@campero:~ $ pictureframe.sh -a pic-start -r -d /path/to/pictures

As user pi, on RPi4:
pi@durin:~ $ sudo su -
root@durin:~# source /opt/venvs/pi3d-pictureframe/bin/activate
(pi3d-pictureframe) root@durin:~# pictureframe.sh -a pic-start -d /path/to/pictures


you may place additional PictureFrame2020.py command line options into /home/pi/.pf/PictureFrame2020.cli_opts
picture frame will be started in the background. Use tail -f /home/pi/.pf/logs/PictureFrame2020.log the check for errors. On rare occasions, check tail -f /home/pi/.pf/logs/PictureFrame2020_mqtt.log.
see more convenient means to control picture frame in MQTT sections

MQTT Broker
For MQTT to work, you need to connect above MQTT clients to a MQTT message broker. Home Automation software such as Home Assistant, openHAB and others will work but mind the learning curve...
You may want to install the MQTT message broker mosquitto on your RPi using the command sudo apt-get install mosquitto
MQTT Clients
The package pi3d-pictureframe comes with two MQTT clients:

The one built into PictureFrame2020.py, which is enabled by adding the options --mqtt_server MQTT_SERVER, --mqtt_port MQTT_PORT, --mqtt_login MQTT_LOGIN and --mqtt_password MQTT_PASSWORD to /home/pi/.pf/PictureFrame2020.cli_opts.
The one provided with mqtt-for-pi3dpf.py. This service allows you to control PictureFrame2020.py and additional components, e.g. Hyperion.

The mqtt-for-pi3dpf.py service can be enabled as follows:
sudo systemctl unmask mqtt-for-pi3dpf.service
sudo systemctl enable mqtt-for-pi3dpf.service
sudo systemctl start mqtt-for-pi3dpf.service
sudo systemctl status mqtt-for-pi3dpf.service


Above systemctl commands need to be executed after reinstalling or upgrading pi3d-pictureframe
If you wish to always start mqtt-for-pi3dpf.service, execute touch /home/pi/.pf/start.mqtt-for-pi3dpf.service.

mqtt-for-pi3dpf.py subscribes to the following MQTT topics:

start/stop the displaying of pictures
start/stop the normal desktop
show list of
status and help

Checking log file:
tail -f /home/pi/.pf/logs/mqtt-for-pi3dpf.log

Further Topics

Configuration Options on a per Picture Folder Basis and more (not done yet)
Home Assistant Integration (not done yet)
Image Scrapers (not done yet)


Hyperion, Wake up light
Presence detection, temperature and humidity measurement, room brightness sensor (not done yet)


Wolfgang Männel for getting me started on pi3d pictureframe on his web site
Thanks for Paddy Gaunt from the pi3d team for writing PictureFrame2020.py


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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