
Creator: coderz1093

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playing cards

playing_cards #
The playing_cards package for Flutter allows you to easily render playing cards from a standard 52 card deck. Good defaults are provided out of box, but full customization is possible if a style object is provided.
Getting Started #

Here's a quick video overview if you don't like reading :-)
To import:
import 'package:playing_cards/playing_cards.dart';
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And here is a simple usage to render a nine of clubs:
PlayingCardView(card: PlayingCard(Suit.clubs, CardValue.nine))
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Here is an example of a fully styled deck:
// This style object overrides the styles for spades.
PlayingCardViewStyle myCardStyles = PlayingCardViewStyle(suitStyles: {
Suit.spades: SuitStyle(
builder: (context) => FittedBox(
fit: BoxFit.fitHeight,
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 500),
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.brown),
cardContentBuilders: {
CardValue.jack: (context) =>
CardValue.queen: (context) =>
CardValue.king: (context) =>
List<PlayingCard> deck = standardFiftyTwoCardDeck();
height: 150,
child: SingleChildScrollView(
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
child: Row(
children: => PlayingCardView(card: e, style: myCardStyles)).toList(),
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PlayingCardViewStyle also accepts a suitBesideLabel: true option to render the suit next to the rank, instead of below:

A flat fan widget is also provided for the common use cases of fanning cards out horizontally:
ShapeBorder shape = RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
side: BorderSide(color:, width: 1));
FlatCardFan(children: [
card: PlayingCard(Suit.hearts, CardValue.ace),
showBack: true,
elevation: 3.0,
shape: shape),
card: PlayingCard(Suit.hearts, CardValue.ace),
showBack: true,
elevation: 3.0,
shape: shape),
card: PlayingCard(Suit.hearts, CardValue.ace),
showBack: true,
elevation: 3.0,
shape: shape),
card: PlayingCard(Suit.hearts, CardValue.ace),
elevation: 3.0,
shape: shape)
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Jokers #
Jokers are modelled as two joker CardValues (joker_1, joker_2) in a single joker Suit.
You can use the standardFiftyFourCardDeck() function in deck.dart to create a deck with two Jokers.


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