polling-bot 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

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pollingbot 0.2.0

polling-bot is a Discord bot to conduct basic polling functions in a Discord server

Often times, reaching a consensus can be difficult without an organized method in place, and so this polling bot can be added to a Discord
server to solve that need in a simple and efficient manner. Use cases could include deciding with friends on a place to eat, what video game
should be played, when to schedule a party, etc.
The bot supports starting a poll and adding options for choices by the users. It will then keep track of responses made to the poll, and surface the winner of the poll when called upon.
This project is a pure python project using modern tooling. It uses a Makefile as a command registry, with the following commands:

make: list available commands
make develop: install and build this library and its dependencies using pip
make build: build the library using setuptools
make lint: perform static analysis of this library with flake8 and black
make format: autoformat this library using black
make annotate: run type checking using mypy
make test: run automated tests with pytest
make coverage: run automated tests with pytest and collect coverage information
make dist: package library for distribution

To setup the Discord bot, follow the steps below:

Navigate to http://discordapp.com/developers/applications and create an account, or login if you already have a Discord account.
Select "New Application" and give it a name ie. "polling-bot"
Navigate to the Bot tab on the left side menu, and click "Add Bot" and confirm.
Under the TOKEN section, click "Copy" and copy the token.
To add the bot to your Discord server, select the OAuth2 tab from the left side menu. From the SCOPES section, select bot option and from the BOT PERMISSIONS section, select Administrator. Copy and navigate to the generated URL and select the server you want to add the bot to from the dropdown, then click "Authorize."

Next, install polling-bot with pip: pip install polling-bot.
Finally, to run the bot, import and run it as follows:
import discord
pollingbot = __import__("polling-bot")

bot = pollingbot.PollingBot(intents=discord.Intents.all(), command_prefix="/")

Where token is the token copied from the Developer Portal above.
The bot will now be responsive to commands in your Discord server.
Available Commands
/poll - Starts a poll in the server
/add choice <content> - Add choices to the poll
/edit <option> <content> - Edit the content of the poll

Options are 'name', 'description', 'choice', and 'duration' (to alter how long the poll is open for [default is 5 mins])

/vote <choice #> - Vote for a choice in the poll

Choice # is the # corresponding to the desired choice, viewable with /view choices or /view poll

/view <option> - View the contents and results of the poll

Options are 'name', 'description', 'choices', 'poll', and 'results'

Start by executing /poll to create a poll. Edit the name and description of the poll using the /edit command. Next, add choices to the poll using the /add command. Have users then vote on the choices by running /view poll to see the current state of the poll, and then voting on their desired selection using the /vote command. Once all users have voted and the poll has concluded, run /view results to view the results and winner of the poll.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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