
Creator: coderz1093

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poly #

A library for checking if given point(s) is present inside Polygon or not.
Contents #

Note: Instead of casting, use toListNum() & toListListNum()
Function List

is Point(s) inside

Check if Single Point is inside
Check if Multiple Points are inside given Polygon

Checks if 2 Polygon have same vertices i.e. points

Detailed Index

Installation #
To install poly for your Dart project, simply add poly to your
pub dependencies.
poly^ 1.0.5
copied to clipboard
Examples #
1. A very simple usage example #

Creates 2 Polygons from List<Point>
Checks if 2 Polygon have same vertices i.e. points : using hasSamePoint()
Prints if given Points are inside Polygon
Prints if all points in list are inside Polygon or not
Prints list of result for List of points if they are inside Polygon or not

Here hasSamePoint(), isPointInside(Point( )), contains(x,y), areAllPointsInsidePolygon_ListPoint() & getList_IsListOfPointInside() are used.

2. Example of Conversions List <=> Point, List<Point> <=> List<List> & other #

Example of toPoint() & pointToList()

toPoint() converts List<num> to Point<num>
pointToList() converts Point<num> to List<num>

Example of toListOfPoint() & pointsToList()

toListOfPoint() converts List<List<num>> to List<Point<num>>
pointsToList() converts List<Point<num>> to List<List<num>>

Example of toPolyFromListOfList() & listOfList()

toPolyFromListOfList() converts List<List<num>> to Polygon
listOfList() returns Polygon.points as List<List<num>>
toPolyFromListOfList() gives Polygon & backToListC2() gives back List<List
Print status of List of List if they are inside our Polygon using getList_IsListOfListInside
Print if All points in List of List inside Polygon using

3. Examples of List<dynamic> => List<num> and List<List<dynamic>> => List<List<num>> #

toListNum() returns List<num> from a List<dynamic>
toListListNum() returns List<List<num>> from a List<List<dynamic>>

Examples of toListNum()

without any optional parameters
with replaceWithZero: true and sizeTwo: false
with sizeTwo: false

Examples of toListListNum()

without any optional parameters
with swapXAndY: true
with replaceWithZero: true
with replaceWithZero: true and swapXAndY: true

4. Simple CSV example #

It contains examples of following functions -

Example of IsInsideResultWithXY_ToCSVString

Saving ArePointsInside Results to "IsInside.csv"

Headers row will be added, as includeHeader isnt passed as false`
And as diffNameThanIsInside:"Example String" is passed,
Header row will be latitude,longitude,Example String

Example of toCSVString

Saving Polygon.points to "Polygon.csv"

Headers row will be added, as includeHeader isnt passed as false`
And as useXY is passed as true
Header row will be x,y

Example of csvToResult

Display 1st row : 2nd element & 3rd element of "IsInside.csv"

e.g. here "longitude" and "Example String"
As, previously xY_IsInside_ToCSVString returned String with header
because optional parameter header was not set to false

Example of csvToPoly

Check if Point(18.507305, 73.806131) is inside Polygon readPolygon (Polygon from Polygon.csv)

5. Exception Handling Example #

It contains examples of following exceptions & errors -

NeedsAtLeastThreePoints is thrown if Polygon.points contains less than 3 points
WrongSizeForPoint is thrown if toPoint() has more or less than 2 element. Point has only x and y.
TypeError is thrown if List<dynamic> is passed instead of List<num>

Here, casting can be used to cast List<dynamic> to List<num>
e.g. print(toPoint([1,2]));

Here, [1,2] has a type List<dynamic>
So, use [1,2].cast<num>()

CastError example - wrongly casting List<num> to List<List<num>

6. Easy Casting Example #

Without casting List<dynamic> to List<num> TypeErroris thrown

Correct casting

casting List<dynamic> to List<num>
casting List<dynamic> to List<List<num>>

Passing List instead of List<List>

Passing List instead of List<List> & casting it : throws CastError as shown below :

type int is not a subtype of type List<num> in type cast

Passing List instead of List<List> but, without casting it : throws TypeError as shown below :

type List<dynamic> is not a subtype of type List<List<num>>

Note: currently casting List<List<dynamic>> to List<List<num>> gives following CastError exception:

without as List<List<num>> -

type List<dynamic> is not a subtype of type List<num> in type cast

with as List<List<num>> -

type List<List<dynamic>> is not a subtype of type List<List<num>> in type cast

Note: Instead of casting, use toListNum() & toListListNum() #

Use toListNum() for List<dynamic> => List<num>
Use toListListNum() forList<List<dynamic>> => List<List<num>>

Function List #
Conversion Type #
List<num> to Point(x,y) : use toPoint()

i.e. [x,y] -> Point(x,y)
Point can be created passing List<num> toPoint().
List must have exact 2 elements, else will throw WrongSizeForPoint exception

Point(x,y) to List<num> : use pointToList()

i.e. Point(x,y) -> [x,y]
List can be created passing Point(x,y) pointToList().

List<List<num>> to List<Point<num>> : use toListOfPoint()

i.e. [ [x1,y1],[x2,y2],... ] -> [ Point(x1,y1), Point(x2,y2),... ]
List of Points can be created from List<List<num>> by passing it to toListOfPoint()

List<Point<num>> to List<List<num>> : use pointsToList()

i.e. [ Point(x1,y1), Point(x2,y2),... ] -> [ [x1,y1],[x2,y2],... ]
List can be created passing List<Point<num>> pointsToList().

List<List<num>> to Polygon : use toPolyFromListOfList()

i.e. [ [x1,y1],[x2,y2],... ] -> Polygon( Point(x1,y1), Point(x2,y2),... )
Polygon can be returned from List<List<num>> by passing it to toPolyFromListOfList()

List<List<num>> to Polygon : use listOfList()

i.e. [ [x1,y1],[x2,y2],... ] from Polygon( Point(x1,y1), Point(x2,y2),... )
List<List<num>> can be returned from Polygon by passing it to listOfList()

List<dynamic> to List<num> : use toListNum()

Returns List<num> from a List<dynamic>
Can be used with [toPoly] as it accepts List<num>
Optional Parameters -


Default value true
When set false, Output List can have more than 2 elements


Default value false
When set true, elements with type String or bool will be replaced with 0, rather than being removed


Default value false
When set true, List will be reversed

List<List<dynamic>> to List<List<num>> : use toListListNum()

Returns List<List<num>> from a List<List<dynamic>>
Can be used with functions like [areAllPointsInsidePolygon_List] , [getList_IsListOfListInside] , [toPolyFromListOfList] , [toListOfPoint] which accepts List<List<num>>
Optional Parameters -


Default value false
When set true, elements with type String or bool will be replaced with 0, rather than being removed


Default value false
When set true, xi will be swapped with yi

i.e. [ [x1,y1], [x2,y2], ...] -> [ [y1,x1], [y2,x2], ...]

is Point(s) inside #
Check if Single Point is inside
Get Status by passing x and y to contains

returns true if (x,y) is present inside Polygon

Get Status by passing Point(x,y) to isPointInside

returns true if Point is present inside Polygon

Check if Single Point is inside Polygon with tolerance of T meter
Get Status by passing Point(x,y) and Tolerance T to isPointInside
Check if Multiple Points are inside given Polygon
Get Status of each Point

getList_IsListOfListInside(List<List<num>>) returns List<bool>
getList_IsListOfPointInside(List<Point<num>>) returns List<bool>

Check if all given Points are inside given Polygon

areAllPointsInsidePolygon_List((List<List<num>>) returns true or false
areAllPointsInsidePolygon_ListPoint(List<Point<num>>) returns true or false

Checks if 2 Polygon have same vertices i.e. points #

use hasSamePoints()

Get result(s) along with lat, lang as a CSV String : IsInsideResultWithXY_ToCSVString()

Returns result of ArePointsInside as CSV String which can be later saved or displayed
Output CSV String will by default contain a header row - latitude,longitude,isInside
Optional parameter: bool useXY

By passing, optional parameter: useXY as true, header will be x,y instead of latitude,longitude
Default value of useXY is false

Optional parameter: String includeHeader

if optional parameter - includeHeader is passed as false, returning String will not contain header row

Optional Named parameter: String diffNameThanIsInside

Different name than Default name(isInside) will be used by passing optional parameter: diffNameThanIsInside

Get Polygon as CSV String : toCSVString()

Returns Polygon as CSV String which can be later saved or displayed
Output CSV String will by default contain a header row - latitude,longitude
Optional Named parameter: bool useXY

By passing, optional parameter: useXY as true, header will be x,y instead of latitude,longitude
Default value of useXY is false

Optional Named parameter: String includeHeader

if optional parameter - includeHeader is is passed as false, returning String will not contain header row

Get Future

Returns Future<Polygon> based on csvString
csvString may or may not contain header row
This function checks if latitude,longitude or x,y are reversed

By checking Header row label
i.e. By checking 1st row 1st element is neither "longitude" or "y"
If they are reversed, Returned Polygon will be Polygon(latitude,longitude), instead of Polygon(longitude,latitude)
This can be manually set by passing optional parameter: isReversed as true

Optional parameter: isReversed

isReversed has default value = false


Returns Future<List<List>> based on csvString

which then can be used - convert that list into Polygon

Optional parameter: bool noHeader

By passing optional parameter: noHeader as true, Resulting List will not contain header row
Default value false

Exceptions #

NeedsAtLeastThreePoints is thrown if Polygon.points contains less than 3 points
WrongSizeForPoint is thrown if toPoint() has more or less than 2 element. Point has only x and y.
_TypeError is thrown if List<dynamic> is passed instead of List<num>

Here, casting can be used to cast List<dynamic> to List<num>
e.g. print(toPoint([1,2]));

Here, [1,2] has a type List<dynamic>
So, use [1,2].cast<num>()

_CastError example - casting List<num> to List<List<num>

Index #



1. A very simple usage example
2. Example of Conversions : List <=> Point, List<Point> <=> List<List> & other
3. Examples of List<dynamic> => List<num> and List<List<dynamic>> => List<List<num>>
4. Simple CSV example
5. Exception Handling Example
6. Easy Casting Example

Note: Instead of casting, use toListNum() & toListListNum()

Function List



is Point(s) inside

Check if Single Point is inside

Get Status by passing x and y to contains
Get Status by passing Point(x,y) to isPointInside

Check if Multiple Points are inside given Polygon

Get Status of each Point
Check if all given Points are inside given Polygon

Checks if 2 Polygon have same vertices i.e. points


Get result(s) along with lat, lang as a CSV String : IsInsideResultWithXY_ToCSVString()
Get Polygon as CSV String : toCSVString()
Get Future



Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
Licence #
Implemented contains function logic from StageXL - A fast and universal 2D rendering engine for HTML5 and Dart
As, StageXL imports dart:html, it can not be used in console application or in aqueduct back-end.
Also, function distanceInMeter is implemented by using formulas for Algorithm & it's NOAA online calculator
Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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