
Creator: coderz1093

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🚀 PolytechColloscopeClient #
PolytechColloscopeClient is a Dart library designed to provide a user-friendly interface for fetching data from the Polytech Lyon Colloscope website.
✨ Features #

Fetch data such as the list of students, individual student details, and their respective colloscope information.
Easy integration with Dart projects for accessing Polytech Lyon Colloscope data.

⚙️ Usage #
Start by adding the following dependency to your project's pubspec.yaml file:
polytechcolloscopeclient: any
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Create an instance of the client by providing your Polytech Lyon Colloscope username and password:
import 'package:polytechcolloscopeclient/polytechcolloscopeclient.dart';

var client = PolytechColloscopeClient(username, password);
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Fetching Students #
Get the list of all students for a specific year (Year.first or Year.second):
var students = await client.getStudents(Year.second);
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Fetching a Specific Student #
Fetch details of a specific student using their name, surname, and year:
var student = await client.fetchStudent(Year.second, name, surname);
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Fetching Colloscope for a Student #
Fetch the colloscope for a specific student, containing their trinomeID and a list of kholles:
var colloscope = await client.fetchColloscope(student);
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The colloscope includes information about each kholle, such as the date, subject, kholleur, and optional room details.
Make sure to replace username and password with your actual Polytech Lyon Colloscope credentials.
🌍 Community and Support #
For questions, bug reports, or feature requests related to PolytechColloscopeClient, please visit the PolytechColloscopeClient GitHub repository. Contributions and feedback are welcome!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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