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portio 0.5
PortIO is a Python front end to the low level functions provided by the
C library on Linux 386 platforms for the hardware input and output ports:
outb, outw, outl, outsb, outsw, outsl, outb_p, outw_p, outl_p, inb, inw,
inl, insb, insw, insl, inb_p, inw_p, inl_p, ioperm, iopl.
Before doing port I/O, it is mandatory to acquire proper privileges by
calling ioperm or iopl. Otherwise you will get a segmentation fault.
outb (data,port)
Output the byte data to the I/O address port.
outb_p (data,port)
The same as outb, but waits for I/O completion.
outw (data,port)
Output the 16 bit word data to the I/O address port.
outw_p (data,port)
The same as outw, but waits for I/O completion.
outl (data,port)
Output the 32 bit word data to the I/O address port.
outl_p (data,port)
The same as outl, but waits for I/O completion.
outsb (port,data,count)
Repeat count times the output of a byte to the I/O address port,
reading it from buffer of bytes starting at data and with length
outsw (port,data,count)
Repeat count times the output of a 16 bit word to the I/O address
port, reading it from buffer of 16 bit words starting at data and
with length count x 2.
outsl (port,data,count)
Repeat count times the output of a 32 bit word to the I/O address
port, reading it from buffer of 32 bit words starting at data and
with length count x 4.
inb (port)
Input a byte from the I/O address port and return it as integer.
inb_p (port)
The same as inb, but waits for I/O completion.
inw (port)
Input a 16 bit word from the I/O address port and return it as integer.
inw_p (port)
The same as inw, but waits for I/O completion.
inl (port)
Input a 32 bit word from the I/O address port and return it as integer.
inl_p (port)
The same as inl, but waits for I/O completion.
insb (port,data,count)
Repeat count times the input of a byte from the I/O address port
and write it to a buffer of bytes starting at data and with length
count bytes.
insw (port,data,count)
Repeat count times the input of a 16 bit word from the I/O address
port and write it to a buffer of 16 bit words starting at data
and with length count x 2 bytes.
insl (port,data,count)
Repeat count times the input of a 32 bit word from the I/O address
port and write it to a buffer of 32 bit words starting at data
and with length count x 4 bytes.
ioperm (from,extent,enable)
Set port access permission starting from address from for extent
bytes. If the enable is True, access is enabled, otherwise is disabled.
On success, zero is returned. On error, the errno code is returned.
The use of ioperm requires root privileges.
Only the first 0x3ff I/O ports can be specified in this manner. To gain
access to any I/O port in the whole (0x0000-0xffff) address range, use
the iopl function.
iopl (level)
Set the I/O privilege level of the current process. When level is 3
access is granted to any I/O port.
On success, zero is returned. On error, the errno code is returned.
The use of iopl requires root privileges.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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