
Creator: coderz1093

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powerdart #
A Flutter package to compute the Power Spectral Density and analyze its result.
Usage #
To use this package add powerdart as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Import the library.
import 'package:powerdart/powerdart.dart';
Then create use the methods in the library.
void main() {
final double fs = 100.0;
List<double> x;

// Generate a sinusoidal wave of 100 samples with frequency of 10Hz
List<double> t = linspace(0, 1, num: fs.toInt(), endpoint: false);
x = t.map((e) => cos(2 * pi * 87 * e)).toList();

// Compute his PSD
final psdRes = psd(x, fs);

// Find where the 70% of the power is
final area = cumtrapz(psdRes["pxx"], psdRes["f"]);
final powerDistribution = find(area, (e) => e >= 0.70 * area.last);
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