precursion 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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precursion 1.0.0

precursion – Python module to avoid RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded easily
Ok, let's write recursive function:
def sumrange(x):
if x == 0:
return 0

r = sumrange(x - 1)
return x + r

print(sumrange(10) # 55

Pretty simple. But what if we call it with bigger argument
# RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Let's fix it with precursion module:
def sumrange(x):
if x == 0:
# return was:
# return 0
# now we need to use StopIteration exception:
raise StopIteration(0)

# recursive call was:
# r = sumrange(x - 1)
# now we use yield:
r = yield sumrange.r(x - 1)
raise StopIteration(x + r)

print(sumrange(1000)) # 500500!!1

That's it!
What is .r in sumrange.r?
It's unwrapped function, so you yield unwrapped generator
Pros and cons:
The code looks cleaner. Yep.
Function calls have performance and memory overhead, so using
the decorator is slower than if you use Tail-call optimization via while
or implement a stack inside a function.


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