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price converter
price_converter #
Convert price with or without currency & formatter
Features #
Convert Formatted price like ₹50,685.56 -> 50685.56
Convert only price to formatted price like 50685.56 -> ₹50,685.56
Installation #
In your pubspec.yaml file within your Flutter Project:
price_converter: 0.0.3
copied to clipboard
Usage #
import 'package:price_converter/price_converter.dart';
//Convert formatted price(String) to price(double) - ₹50,685.56
double priceInDouble = PriceConverter.getOnlyPrice(currency: "₹", price: "₹50,685.56");
//₹50,685.56 -> 50685.56
//Convert price(double) to formatted price(string) - 50685.56
String priceInString = PriceConverter.getFormattedPrice(currency: "₹", price: 692550685.56);
//50685.56 -> ₹50,685.56
copied to clipboard
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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