problem180meridian 0.1.4

Creator: bradpython12

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problem180meridian 0.1.4

Python module to fix 180 degree crossing issue for vector geodata
Take care of topology errors on the 180th meridian
Having vector geodata with lines/polygons crossing 180th meridian, their geometry is likely to be displayed wrongly in geographic CRS like EPSG:4326. This module helps to modify the original Linestring, Multilinestring, Polygon, or Multipolygon geometry to be correctly represented in a geographic CRS.
The module is available from PyPi, one may install it using pip:
pip install problem180meridian
To use it from Python console one may use:
import problem180meridian
The module contains the following functions (version 0.1.4):
check180(coordinates) - checks if any segment in a pair of coordinates crosses 180th meridian and returns a tuple of two values. The first one is False if no crossing was found, and True if at least one was found. Without any crossing, the second value is None, otherwise it's an array of bool values where True marks the 180th meridian crossing and False means no crossing.
cross180(coord1, coord2, lon_buffer=0) - takes a pair of point coordinates a line between which is supposed to cross the 180th meridian and returns a pair of point coordinates on the crossing between this line and the meridian, or at a distance from it equal to lon_buffer parameter (in longitude degrees).
split180_coordinates(coordinates, check, lon_buffer=0) - splits coordinates in a list by the 180th meridian creating new coordinate chains and returns another list with new point coordinates
split180_multilinestring(coordinates, lon_buffer=0) - splits linestring/multilinestring geometry coordinates by the 180th meridian and returns ogr.Geometry Multilinestring
split180_multipolygon(coordinates, lon_buffer=0) - splits polygon/multipolygon geometry coordinates by the 180th meridian and returns ogr.Geometry Multipolygon
split180_geometry(geometry, lon_buffer=0) - splits ogr.Geometry by the 180th meridian and returns another ogr.Geometry. Supported geometry types: Linestring, Multilinestring, Polygon, Multipolygon. Point and Multipoint objects wouldn't be changed; other types cause Warning Exception
Plans for the module development:

pole points processing
backward algorithm to unite geometry separated by the 180th meridian for correct representation in projected CRS, like UTM
reprojection function to reproject geometry and check 180th meridian crossing, if necessary
further testing functions to check different geometry shapes, coordinate formats, and complex geometries

Made by Sergei Sadkov (@sergsadkov)


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