ProcessScheduler 2.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ProcessScheduler 2.0.0

ProcessScheduler is a Python package for creating optimized scheduling based on identified resources and tasks to be carried out. It offers a set of classes and methods for finely modeling a wide range of use cases with rich semantics. Complex mathematical calculations necessary for problem resolution are transparently handled for the user, allowing them to focus on problem modeling. ProcessScheduler is aimed at project managers, business organization consultants, or industrial logistics experts looking to optimize the achievement of time or cost objectives.

2024/01/31: Release 2.0.0
2024/01/30: Release 2.0.0a
2023/12/13: Huge on-going refactoring #133
2023/12/12: Release 0.9.4


Tasks: Creation of tasks defined by their duration, priority, and required effort.
Resources: Individual workers defined by their productivity, cost, and availability.
Resource Allocation: Allocation from a set of workers sharing common skills.
Buffers: Support for tasks that consume raw materials.
Indicators: Including cost, resource effort, or any customized indicator.
Task and resource constraints that can be combined using first-order logic operations (NOT, OR, XOR, AND, IMPLIES, IF/THEN ELSE) for rich representations.
Multi-optimized schedule computation, including makespan, flowtime, earliest start, latest start, resource cost, or any customized indicator you have defined.
Gantt diagram generation and rendering.
Results export to JSON, SMT-LIB 2.0, Excel, or other formats for further analysis.

Install latest version with pip
Install with pip.
pip install ProcessScheduler==2.0.0

This comes with the only required dependency: the Microsoft free and open source licenses S3 solver. If you want to take advantage of all the features, you can install optional dependencies:
pip install matplotlib plotly kaleido ipywidgets isodate ipympl psutil XlsxWriter

Run online
There are some Jupypter notebooks that can be executed online at
User-end documentation available at
import processscheduler as ps
# a simple problem, without horizon (solver will find it)
pb = ps.SchedulingProblem('HelloWorldProcessScheduler')

# add two tasks
task_hello = ps.FixedDurationTask('Process', duration=2)
task_world = ps.FixedDurationTask('Scheduler', duration=2)

# precedence constraint: task_world must be scheduled
# after task_hello
ps.TaskPrecedence(task_hello, task_world)

# solve
solver = ps.SchedulingSolver(pb)
solution = solver.solve()

# display solution, ascii or matplotlib gantt diagram

Code quality
ProcessScheduler uses the following tools to ensure code quality:

code coverage (,,
continuous-integration at MS azure,
static code analysis (codacy),
spelling mistakes tracking (codespell),
code formatting using the black python formatter

ProcessScheduler is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 or (at your option) any later version. It is currently developed and maintained by Thomas Paviot (


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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