promethium 0.7.4

Creator: bradpython12

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promethium 0.7.4

Promethium 🐍

Library for calculating statistical distributions, written in pure Python with zero dependencies.


Binomial Distribution

Probability mass function
Cumulative distribution function
Inverse cumulative distribution function

Chi-Squared Distribution

Probability density function
Cumulative distribution function

Normal Distribution

Probability density function
Cumulative distribution function
Inverse cumulative distribution function

Poisson Distribution

Probability mass function
Cumulative distribution function
Inverse cumulative distribution

Geometric Distribution

Probability mass function
Cumulative distribution function
Inverse cumulative distribution function

Binomial Distribution
Probability mass function
binomial.pmf(r, n, p)

For the random variable X with the binomial distribution B(n, p), calculate the probability mass function.
Where r is the number of successes, n is the number of trials, and p is the probability of success.
To calculate P(X=7) for the binomial distribution X~B(11, 0.33):
>>> from promethium import binomial
>>> binomial.pmf(7, 11, 0.33)

Cumulative distribution function
binomial.cdf(r, n, p)

For the random variable X with the binomial distribution B(n, p), calculate the cumulative distribution function.
Where r is the number of successes, n is the number of trials, and p is the probability of success.
To calculate P(X≤7) for the binomial distribution X~B(11, 0.33):
>>> from promethium import binomial.cdf
>>> binomial.cdf(7, 11, 0.33)

Inverse cumulative distribution function
binomial.ppf(q, n, p)

For the random variable X with the binomial distribution B(n, p), calculate the inverse for the cumulative distribution function.
Where q is the cumulative probability, n is the number of trials, and p is the probability of success.
binomial.ppf(q, n, p) returns the smallest integer x such that binomial.cdf(x, n, p) is greater than or equal to q.
To calculate the corresponding value for r (the number of successes) given the value for q (the cumulative probability):
>>> from promethium import binomial
>>> binomial.ppf(0.9912362670526581, 11, 0.333)
>>> binomial.cdf(7, 11, 0.333)

Chi-Squared Distribution
Probability density function
chi2.pdf(x, df)

Probability density function for the chi-squared distribution X~X²(df),
where df is the degrees of the freedom.
Cumulative distribution function
chi2.cdf(x, df)

Cumulative distribution function for the chi-squared distribution X~X²(df),
where df is the degrees of the freedom.
To calculate P(0≤X≤0.556) for the chi-squared distribution X~X²(3):
>>> from promethium import chi2
>>> chi2.cdf(0.556, 3)

Normal Distribution
Probability density function
normal.pdf(x, µ, σ)

Probability density function for the normal distribution X~N(µ, σ).
Where µ is the mean, and σ is the standard deviation.
Cumulative distribution function
normal.cdf(x, µ, σ)

Cumulative distribution function for the normal distribution X~N(µ, σ).
Where µ is the mean, and σ is the standard deviation.
To calculate P(X≤0.891) for the normal distribution X~N(0.734, 0.114):
>>> from promethium import normal
>>> normal.cdf(0.891, 0.734, 0.114)

Inverse cumulative distribution function
normal.ppf(y, µ, σ)

Inverse cumulative distribution function for the normal distribution X~N(µ, σ).
Where µ is the mean, and σ is the standard deviation.
normal.ppf(y, µ, σ) returns the smallest integer x such that normal.cdf(x, µ, σ) is greater than or equal to y.
To calculate the corresponding value for x given the value for y:
>>> from promethium import normal
>>> normal.ppf(0.9157737045522477, 0.734, 0.114)
>>> normal.cdf(0.891, 0.734, 0.114)

Poisson Distribution
Probability mass function
poisson.pmf(r, m)

For the random variable X with the poisson distribution Po(m), calculate the probability mass function.
Where r is the number of occurrences, and m is the mean rate of occurrence.
To calculate P(X=7) for the poisson distribution X~Po(11.556):
>>> from promethium import poisson
>>> poisson(11, 23.445)

Cumulative distribution function
poisson.cdf(r, m)

For the random variable X with the poisson distribution Po(m), calculate the cumulative distribution function.
Where r is the number of occurrences, and m is the mean rate of occurrence.
To calculate P(X≤7) for the poisson distribution X~Po(11.556):
>>> from promethium import poisson
>>> poisson.cdf(11, 23.445)

Inverse cumulative distribution
poisson.ppf(q, m)

For the random variable X with the poisson distribution Po(m), calculate the inverse for the cumulative distribution function.
Where q is the cumulative probability, and m is the mean rate of occurrence.
poisson.ppf(q, m) returns the smallest integer x such that poisson.cdf(x, m) is greater than or equal to q.
To calculate the corresponding value for r (number of occurrences) given the values for q (cumulative probability):
>>> from promethium import poisson
>>> poisson.ppf(0.0034549033698374467, 23.445)
>>> poisson.cdf(11, 23.445)

Geometric Distribution
Probability mass function
geometric.pmf(x, p)

Probability mass function for the geometric distribution X~G(p).
Where x is the number of trials before the first success, and p is the probability of success.
To calculate P(X=3) for the geometric distribution X~G(0.491):
>>> from promethium import geometric
>>> geometric.pmf(3, 0.491)

Cumulative distribution function
geometric.cdf(x, p)

Cumulative distribution function for the geometric distribution X~G(p).
Where x is the number of trials before the first success, and p is the probability of success.
To calculate P(X≤3) for the geometric distribution X~G(0.491):
>>> from promethium import geometric
>>> geometric.cdf(3, 0.491)

Inverse cumulative distribution function
geometric.ppf(area, p)

Inverse cumulative distribution function for the geometric distribution X~G(p).
Where x is the number of trials before the first success, and p is the probability of success.
geometric.ppf(area, p) returns the smallest integer x such that geometric.cdf(x, p) is greater than or equal to area.
To calculate the corresponding value for x given the value for area:
>>> from promethium import geometric
>>> geometric.ppf(0.868, 0.491)
>> geometric.cdf(3, 0.491)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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