proposal 7.6.2

Creator: bradpython12

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proposal 7.6.2

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PROPOSAL (Propagator with optimal precision and optimized speed for all
leptons) is presented as a public tool for propagating leptons and gamma rays
through media.
Up-to-date cross sections for ionization, bremsstrahlung, photonuclear
interactions, electron pair production, Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal and
Ter-Mikaelian effects, muon and tau decay, as well as Molière scattering are
implemented for different parametrizations.
The full Paper can be found
Recent improvements are documented here.
PROPOSAL is developed and tested on macOS, Linux and Windows:
Continuous integration is set up on GitHub actions testing PROPOSAL on gcc, clang and Visual Studio.
PROPOSAL is now a C++14 library using pybind11 Python bindings!

CMake 3.9 or higher (to build the tests CMake 3.10 is required)
C++14 compatible compiler (for gcc: version 5 and later; for clang: version 3.4 and later)

Furthermore, you either need the package manager


which will provide all dependencies that are necessary for PROPOSAL or you need to provide these dependencies by your own. For more information, see here.
If you are only interested in using PROPOSAL as a python library, the easiest way to install it should be using
pip install proposal

Advanced install and compiling instructions, especially if you want to use PROPOSAL as a C++ library, are found in install.
Usage in Python
If you want to learn how to use PROPOSAL in Python, we recommend to look at the jupyter notebooks provided in the examples folder.
A good starting point is the Propagator jupyter notebook.
For a short demonstration, look at the following snippet:
It will create data you can use to show the distribution of muon ranges and the number of interactions in ice.
import proposal as pp

mu_def = pp.particle.MuMinusDef()
prop = pp.Propagator(

init_state = pp.particle.ParticleState() = 1e9 # initial energy in MeV
init_state.position = pp.Cartesian3D(0, 0, 0)
init_state.direction = pp.Cartesian3D(0, 0, 1)

mu_length = []

for i in range(1000):
track = prop.propagate(init_state)

mu_length.append(track.track_propagated_distances()[-1] / 100)

Note that you need to provide a path to a valid configuration file.
The parameters of the given configuration file are described
For a detailed explanation on how this snippet works, look at the Propagator jupyter notebook!
Usage as a C++ library
PROPOSAL is built as a library, which means you can include this project in your own
C++ project by including the header files. The following snippet uses the
configuration to propagate muons and
stores the muon ranges.
The parameters of the configuration file are described

using namespace PROPOSAL;

int main(){
auto mu_def = MuMinusDef();
Propagator prop(mu_def, "path/to/config.json");

Cartesian3D position(0, 0, 0);
Cartesian3D direction(0, 0, 1);
auto energy = 1e8; // MeV
auto init_state = ParticleState(position, direction, energy, 0., 0.);

std::vector<double> ranges;

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
auto track = prop.Propagate(init_state, 50000); // distance to propagate in cm


// ... Do stuff with ranges, e.g. plot histogram


To see an example on how to run this script with PROPOSAL using CMake, see here.
When you encounter any errors or misunderstandings, you can always create an issue here on GitHub.
Furthermore, you may always contact us with your questions via
Jean-Marco Alameddine,
Jan Soedingrekso,
Alexander Sandrock.
This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of
a modified LGPL License. See the LICENSE for details of the LGPL License.
Modifications of the LGPL License:

The user shall acknowledge the use of PROPOSAL by citing the following reference:

J.H. Koehne et al.
Comput.Phys.Commun. 184 (2013) 2070-2090
DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2013.04.001

The user should report any bugs/errors or improvements to the current maintainer of PROPOSAL.

How to cite PROPOSAL?
If you use PROPOSAL, please cite the PROPOSAL paper
title ={PROPOSAL: A tool for propagation of charged leptons},
author = {Koehne, Jan-Hendrik and
Frantzen, Katharina and
Schmitz, Martin and
Fuchs, Tomasz and
Rhode, Wolfgang and
Chirkin, Dmitry and
Tjus, J Becker},
journal = {Computer Physics Communications},
volume = {184},
number = {9},
pages = {2070--2090},
year = {2013},
doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2013.04.001}

and our zenodo entry of the version you use
author = {Alameddine, Jean-Marco and
Dunsch, Mario and
Bollmann, Lars and
Fuchs, Tomasz and
Gutjahr, Pascal and
Koehne, Jan-Hendrik and
Kopper, Claudio and
Krings, Kai and
Kuo, Chung-Yun and
Menne, Thorben and
Noethe, Maximilian and
Olivas, Alex and
Rhode, Wolfgang and
Sackel, Maximilian and
Sandrock, Alexander and
Schneider, Austin and
Soedingrekso, Jan and
van Santen, Jacob},
title = {tudo-astroparticlephysics/PROPOSAL: Zenodo},
month = mar,
year = 2020,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1484180},
url = {}

and if you want to cite the latest improvements
title = {Recent Improvements for the Lepton Propagator PROPOSAL},
author = {Dunsch, Mario and
Soedingrekso, Jan and
Sandrock, Alexander and
Meier, Max and
Menne, Thorben and
Rhode, Wolfgang},
journal = {Computer Physics Communications},
volume = {242},
pages = {132--144},
year = {2019},
eprint = {1809.07740},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
eprintclass = {hep-ph},
doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2019.03.021}

Developers and Maintainers
Jan Soedingrekso, Alexander Sandrock, Jean-Marco Alameddine
Former Developers and Maintainers
Jan-Hendrik Koehne, Tomasz Fuchs, Mario Dunsch, Maximilian Sackel

This work was created as part of the project C3 of the SFB876.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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