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prosewc 0.3.4
A prose- and Jekyll-aware wordcount utility.
Given the proliferation of Markdown and the use of Jekyll as a blogging
platform, the builtin wc utility came up short. Even for plain-text
prose, wc can leave much to be desired. To that end, prose-wc will
calculate proper word, paragraph, and character counts for a given plaintext,
or markdown file or stream through STDIN.
Also, Madison wanted to learn how to package for PyPI.
pip install prose-wc
usage: prose-wc [-h] [-S] [-u] [-f [{yaml,json,default}]] [-i [INDENT]] file
Compute Jekyl- and prose-aware wordcounts
positional arguments:
file file to count (or - for STDIN)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-S, --split-hyphens split hyphenated words rather than counting them as
one word ("non-trivial" counts as two words rather
than one)
-u, --update update the jekyll file in place with the counts. Does
nothing if the file is not a Jekyll markdown file.
Implies format=yaml, invalid with input from STDIN and
non-Jekyll files.
-f [{yaml,json,default}], --format [{yaml,json,default}]
output format.
-i [INDENT], --indent [INDENT]
indentation depth (default: 4).
Accepted filetypes: plaintext, markdown, markdown (Jekyll)
Running prose-wc against a file will generate a series of counts
that might be of use. You can get these counts in a simple,
tab-separated format, JSON, or YAML. If you’re working with a Jekyll
markdown file, you can also choose to have this data embedded in the
frontmatter as YAML.
Other filetypes
You can use pandoc to convert your file and pipe
it into prose-wc:
pandoc -f latex -t plain my_great_story.tex | prose-wc -
In a Jekyll site
You can add wordcount information to your site by running prose-wc -u <file>, which will update the Jekyll frontmatter to include the results in
YAML format. This data can then be included on the page in some place handy such as at the top of a post in _layouts/post.html with:
{% if page.counts %}
<p class="text-muted small">
{{ page.counts.paragraphs }} {% if page.counts.paragraphs == 1 %}paragraph{% else %}paragraphs{% endif %} •
{{ page.counts.words }} words
{% endif %}
This would result in something like
You can add wordcounts to posts with a find command like:
find . \( -name '*.md' -or -name '*.markdown' \) -exec prose-wc -u "{}" \;
Further information
Source, issues, and further information:
Madison Scott-Clary
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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