prql 0.1.12

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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prql 0.1.12

Preql (pronounced: Prequel) is an interpreted relational query language.
It is designed for use by data engineers, analysts and data scientists.

Compiles to SQL at runtime. It has the performance and abilities of SQL, and much more.

Support for Postgres, MySQL and Sqlite. (more planned!)

Escape hatch to SQL, for all those database-specific features we didn't think to include

Programmer-friendly syntax and semantics, with gradual type-checking, inspired by Typescript and Python

Interface through Python, HTTP or a terminal environment with autocompletion

Note: Preql is still work in progress, and isn't ready for production use, or any serious use yet
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Get started
Simply install via pip:
pip install -U prql

Then just run the interpreter:

Requires Python 3.8+
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Quick Example
// Sum up all the squares of an aggregated list of numbers
// Grouped by whether they are odd or even
func sqrsum(x) = sum(x * x)
func is_even(x) = x % 2 == 0

print [1..100]{
is_even(item) => sqrsum(item)
// Result is:
┃ is_even ┃ sqrsum ┃
│ 0 │ 166650 │
│ 1 │ 161700 │

In the background, this was run by executing the following SQL code (reformatted):
WITH range1 AS (SELECT 1 AS item UNION ALL SELECT item+1 FROM range1 WHERE item+1<100)
, subq_3(is_even, sqrsum) AS (SELECT ((item % 2) = 0) AS is_even, SUM(item * item) AS sqrsum FROM range1 GROUP BY 1)
SELECT * FROM subq_3

Preql uses an “Interface-Protection Clause” on top of the MIT license.
In simple words, it can be used for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, as long as your product doesn't base its value on exposing the Preql language itself to your users.
If you want to add the Preql language interface as a user-facing part of your commercial product, contact us for a commercial license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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