pshtt 0.7.1

Creator: bradpython12

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pshtt 0.7.1

Pushing HTTPS 🔒

pshtt ("pushed") is a tool to scan domains for HTTPS best
practices. It saves its results to a CSV (or JSON) file.
pshtt was developed to push organizations — especially large ones
like the US Federal Government :us: — to adopt HTTPS across the
enterprise. Federal agencies must comply with
M-15-13, a 2015 memorandum from the White
House Office of Management and Budget, and BOD
18-01, a 2017 directive from the
Department of Homeland Security, which require federal agencies to
enforce HTTPS on their public web services. Much has been done, but
there's more yet to
pshtt is a collaboration between the Cyber and Infrastructure
Security Agency's National Cybersecurity Assessments and Technical
Services (NCATS) team and the General
Service Administration's 18F team, with
contributions from NASA, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and
various non-governmental
Getting started
pshtt can be installed as a module, or run directly from the
Installed as a module
pshtt can be installed directly via pip:
pip install pshtt

It can then be run directly:
pshtt [options]

Running directly
To run the tool locally from the repository, without installing, first
install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run it as a module via python -m:
python -m pshtt.cli [options]

Usage and examples
pshtt [options] DOMAIN...
pshtt [options] INPUT

pshtt --output=homeland.csv --debug
pshtt --sorted current-federal.csv

Note: if INPUT ends with .csv, domains will be read from the first
column of the CSV. CSV output will always be written to disk (unless
--json is specified), defaulting to results.csv.
-h --help Show this message.
-s --sorted Sort output by domain, A-Z.
-o --output=OUTFILE Name output file. (Defaults to "results".)
-j --json Get results in JSON. (Defaults to CSV.)
-m --markdown Get results in Markdown. (Defaults to CSV.)
-d --debug Print debug output.
-u --user-agent=AGENT Override user agent.
-t --timeout=TIMEOUT Override timeout (in seconds).
-c --cache-third-parties=DIR Cache third party data, and what directory to cache it in.
-f --ca-file=PATH Specify custom CA bundle (PEM format)

Using your own CA bundle
By default, pshtt relies on the root CAs that are trusted in the
Mozilla root
If you work behind a corporate proxy or have your own certificates that
aren't publicly trusted, you can specify your own CA bundle:
pshtt --ca-file=/etc/ssl/ca.pem

What's checked?
A domain is checked on its four endpoints:


Domain and redirect info
The following values are returned in results.csv:

Domain - The domain you're scanning!
Base Domain - The base domain of Domain. For example, for a
Domain of, the Base Domain will be Usually this is the second-level domain, but pshtt
will download and factor in the Public Suffix
List when calculating the base
domain. (To cache the Public Suffix List, use --suffix-cache as
documented above.)
Canonical URL - One of the four endpoints described above; a
judgment call based on the observed redirect logic of the domain.
Live - The domain is "live" if any endpoint is live.
HTTPS Live - The domain is "HTTPS live" if any HTTPS endpoint is
HTTPS Full Connection - The domain is "fully connected" if any
HTTPS endpoint is fully connected. A "fully connected" HTTPS
endpoint is one with which pshtt could make a full TLS connection.
HTTPS Client Auth Required - A domain requires client
authentication if any HTTPS endpoint requires it for a full TLS
Redirect - The domain is a "redirect domain" if at least one
endpoint is a redirect, and all endpoints are either redirects or
Redirect to - If a domain is a "redirect domain", where does it
redirect to?

Landing on HTTPS

Valid HTTPS - A domain has "valid HTTPS" if it responds on port
443 at the hostname in its Canonical URL with an unexpired valid
certificate for the hostname. This can be true even if the Canonical
URL uses HTTP.
HTTPS Publicly Trusted - A domain is "publicly trusted" if its
canonical endpoint has a publicly trusted certificate.
HTTPS Custom Truststore Trusted - A domain is "custom truststore
trusted" if its canonical endpoint has a certificate that is trusted
by the custom truststore.
Defaults to HTTPS - A domain "defaults to HTTPS" if its canonical
endpoint uses HTTPS.
Downgrades HTTPS - A domain "downgrades HTTPS" if HTTPS is
supported in some way, but its canonical HTTPS endpoint immediately
redirects internally to HTTP.
Strictly Forces HTTPS - This is different than whether a domain
"defaults" to HTTPS. A domain "Strictly Forces HTTPS" if one of the
HTTPS endpoints is "live", and if both HTTP endpoints are either
down or redirect immediately to any HTTPS URI. An HTTP redirect can
go to HTTPS on another domain, as long as it's immediate. (A domain
with an invalid cert can still be enforcing HTTPS.)

Common errors

HTTPS Bad Chain - A domain has a bad chain if either HTTPS
endpoint contains a bad chain.
HTTPS Bad Hostname - A domain has a bad hostname if either HTTPS
endpoint fails hostname validation.
HTTPS Expired Cert - A domain has an expired certificate if either
HTTPS endpoint has an expired certificate.
HTTPS Self-Signed Cert - A domain has a self-signed certificate if
either HTTPS endpoint has a self-signed certificate.
HTTPS Probably Missing Intermediate Cert - A domain is "probably
missing intermediate certificate" if the canonical HTTPS endpoint is
probably missing an intermediate certificate.


HSTS - A domain has HTTP Strict Transport Security enabled if its
canonical HTTPS endpoint has HSTS enabled.
HSTS Header - This field provides a domain's HSTS header at its
canonical endpoint.
HSTS Max Age - A domain's HSTS max-age is its canonical endpoint's
HSTS Entire Domain - A domain has HSTS enabled for the entire
domain if its root HTTPS endpoint (not the canonical HTTPS
endpoint) has HSTS enabled and uses the HSTS includeSubDomains
HSTS Preload Ready - A domain is HSTS "preload ready" if its
root HTTPS endpoint (not the canonical HTTPS endpoint) has
HSTS enabled, has a max-age of at least 18 weeks, and uses the
includeSubDomains and preload flag.
HSTS Preload Pending - A domain is "preload pending" when it
appears in the Chrome preload pending
list with the
include_subdomains flag equal to true. The intent of pshtt is
to make sure that the user is fully protected, so it only counts
domains as HSTS preloaded if they are fully HSTS preloaded
(meaning that all subdomains are included as well).
HSTS Preloaded - A domain is HSTS preloaded if its domain name
appears in the Chrome preload
with the include_subdomains flag equal to true, regardless of
what header is present on any endpoint. The intent of pshtt is to
make sure that the user is fully protected, so it only counts
domains as HSTS preloaded if they are fully HSTS preloaded
(meaning that all subdomains are included as well).
Base Domain HSTS Preloaded - A domain's base domain is HSTS
preloaded if its base domain appears in the Chrome preload
with the include_subdomains flag equal to true. This is subtly
different from HSTS Entire Domain, which inspects headers on the
base domain to see if HSTS is set correctly to encompass the entire

These three fields use the previous results to come to high-level
conclusions about a domain's behavior.

Domain Supports HTTPS - A domain 'Supports HTTPS' when it doesn't
downgrade and has valid HTTPS, or when it doesn't downgrade and has
a bad chain but not a bad hostname (a bad hostname makes it clear
the domain isn't actively attempting to support HTTPS, whereas an
incomplete chain is just a mistake.). Domains with a bad chain
"support" HTTPS but user-side errors can be expected.
Domain Enforces HTTPS - A domain that 'Enforces HTTPS' must
'Support HTTPS' and default to HTTPS. For websites (where Redirect
is false) they are allowed to eventually redirect to an
https:// URI. For "redirect domains" (domains where the Redirect
value is true) they must immediately redirect clients to an
https:// URI (even if that URI is on another domain) in order to
be said to enforce HTTPS.
Domain Uses Strong HSTS - A domain 'Uses Strong HSTS' when the
max-age ≥ 31536000.

General information

IP - The IP for the domain.
Server Header - The server header from the response for the
Server Version - The server version, as extracted from the server
HTTPS Cert Chain Length - The certificate chain length for the
canonical HTTPS endpoint.
Notes - A field where free-form notes about the domain can be

Uncommon errors

Unknown Error - A Boolean value indicating whether or not an
unexpected exception was encountered when testing the domain. The
purpose of this field is to flag any odd websites for further

DNS blackhole / DNS assist
One issue which can occur when running pshtt, particularly for
home/residential networks, with standard ISPs is the use of "DNS
Assist" features, a.k.a. "DNS Blackholes".
In these environments, you may see inconsistent results from pshtt
owing to the fact that your ISP is attempting to detect a request for
an unknown site without a DNS record and is redirecting you to a
search page for that site. This means that an endpoint which should
resolve as "not-alive", will instead resolve as "live", owing to the
detection of the live search result page.
If you would like to disable this "feature", several ISPs offer the
ability to opt out of this service, and maintain their own
instructions for doing so:


Who uses pshtt?

GSA maintains Pulse, a dashboard that
tracks how federal government domains are meeting best practices on
the web. Pulse is open source.
The Freedom of the Press Foundation runs, a site that aims to "track
and promote the adoption of HTTPS encryption by major news
organizations' websites". Secure the News is open
DHS issues HTTPS Reports
to federal executive branch agencies.

This code was modeled after Ben
site-inspector, with
significant guidance from Eric Mill.
We welcome contributions! Please see for
This project is in the worldwide public domain.
This project is in the public domain within the United States, and
copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through
the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain
All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0
dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply
with this waiver of copyright interest.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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