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pubspec runtime

Pubspec Runtime #
A Dart package that provides a simple way to manuplate the pubspec.yaml file at runtime.
Features #

Add dependencies to the pubspec.yaml file.
Add dev dependencies to the pubspec.yaml file.
Add key value pairs to the pubspec.yaml file.
Get the value of a key from the pubspec.yaml file.
Remove key value pairs from the pubspec.yaml file.
Save changes to the pubspec.yaml file.
Run pub get command.
Parse the pubspec.yaml file using Parser

Usage #
A simple usage example:
import 'package:pubspec_runtime/pubspec_runtime.dart';

void main() async {
final pubspecEditor = PubspecEditor();


print("Dev Dependencies:");

print("Adding a dependency...");
.add(Dependency(name: 'http', version: '^0.13.3', isDev: false));

print("Adding a dev dependency...");

.add(Dependency(name: 'http', version: '^0.13.3', isDev: true));

print("Add a key value pair to the `pubspec.yaml` file.");
pubspecEditor.add("author", "John Doe");

print("Get the value of a key from the `pubspec.yaml` file.");

print("Remove a key value pair from the `pubspec.yaml` file.");

print("Updated Dependencies:");

print("Saving changes...");;

print("Changes saved successfully!");

print("Running pub get...");
.then((value) => print(
"Pub get executed successfully with exit code: ${value.exitCode}"))
(error) => print("Error occurred while executing pub get: $error"));

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Simple usage of the parser:
import "package:pubspec_runtime/pubspec_runtime.dart";

void main() {
final Parser parser = Parser();

final String filePath =

final Map<String, dynamic> content = parser.parseFile(filePath);

copied to clipboard
Usable Functions and Classes #

PubspecEditor class is the main class that provides the functionality to manipulate the pubspec.yaml file.

dependencies property is an instance of the DependencyManager class that provides the functionality to manipulate the dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file.
devDependencies property is an instance of the DependencyManager class that provides the functionality to manipulate the dev dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file.
parser property is an instance of the Parser class that provides the functionality to parse the pubspec.yaml file.
add function is used to add a key value pair to the pubspec.yaml file.
get function is used to get the value of a key from the pubspec.yaml file.
remove function is used to remove a key value pair from the pubspec.yaml file.
save function is used to save the changes to the pubspec.yaml file.
runPubGet function is used to run the pub get command.
exists function is used to check if a key exists in the pubspec.yaml file.

Dependency class is a simple class that represents a dependency in the pubspec.yaml file.

name property is the name of the dependency.
version property is the version of the dependency.
isDev property is a boolean value that indicates whether the dependency is a dev dependency or not.

DependencyManager class is a class that provides the functionality to manage dependencies as objects.

add function is used to add a dependency to the pubspec.yaml file.
remove function is used to remove a dependency from the pubspec.yaml file.
list property is used to get the list of dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file.

Parser class is a class that provides the functionality to parse the pubspec.yaml file.

parseFile function is used to parse the pubspec.yaml file and return the content as a map.
parse function is used to parse the content of the pubspec.yaml file and return it as a map.
mapToYamlString function is used to convert a map to a YAML string.

License #
MIT License
Author #
Raman Sharma
Contributors #
Raman Sharma

Feel free to contribute to this project by creating a pull request or raising an issue.

Issues #

If you find any issues with the package, please raise an issue on the GitHub repository.

Enjoy Coding! 😊 #


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