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pwman3 0.13.1
A lightweight command line password manager, which can use different database to store your passwords
(currently, SQLite, MySQL, Postgresql and MongoDB are supported).
Pwman3 can also copy passwords to the clipboard without exposing them!
Besides managing and storing passwords, Pwman3 can also generate passwords using different algorithms.
Nice Features in pwman3:
Strong AES Encryption
copying of passwords to clipboard
launching specific uri's with default browser
password generators
not really a user oriented feature. However, it guarantees the elimination of silly
bugs: pwman3 is test driven!
A very important note about security
If you are a concerned about security, please note:
PWMAN3 is a very very basic software, which was designed to be used in a safe environment.
If you are afraid that PWMAN3 is to weak for your needs ... and you still want to try it, here
are a few recommendations:
Don't store your Password Database in the Obvious place, and if your extremely paranoind
store it completely away from your computer on a separate USB key.
Use a HARD to crack password to encrypt your database!
If you care, report bugs, and send patches.
I would realy like you to use PWMAN3, so I could get feedback and more ideas, especially, if you
know something about security!
Pwman3 requires the following debian packages:
xsel - to copy password to clipboard on Linux
It is also recommended to install python-crypto.
Pwman supports Python 3.x.
To install from source:
$ python install
You can also install PWMAN3 using python pip:
$ pip install pwman3
User Interface
When xsel is install on a Linux system, you can copy passwords directly to clipboard with the copy command.
The command 'open' will open the default browser if URL is specified.
An automatic 'clear screen' function is called after printing an entry in the database.
The screen will be cleared after 5 seconds by default. However, this can be changed by changing the
correct value in ~.pwman/config:
cls_timeout = 10
To disable the automatic 'clear screen' functionality set cls_timeout to 0.
cls_timeout = 0
making a password from the numeric character and the alphabet character ([A-Za-z0-9]).
You can add a parameter for making the password to the config(~/.pwman/config).
For Example:
numerics = true
Passwords can contain one of the following special signs:
specialsigns = ["@", "#", "?", "!", '\\', "|", "$",
"%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", ":", ";",
"{", "}", "+","-"]
The config file must have the following option:
special_signs = true
Individual password policy can be chosen with:
Pwman3 0.6.0 (c) visit:
pwman> n {'leetify':False, 'numerics':True, 'special_signs':True}
Username: username
Password length (default 8): 12
New password: Q1dab@7abcd5
Default password length can be changed by:
default_pw_length = 42
Copying password to X11 or Mac clip board:
On Mac OSX systems copying utilizes pbcopy
On X11 Systems Specify the path to xsel if you already have ~/.pwman/config
xsel = yes
xselpath = /usr/bin/xsel
When launching pwman for the first time, it will try and look for
xsel and write the configuration properly.
If you find this work useful, you can do one or more of the following:
* Star this repository.
* Tweeter me with a thank you.
* Donate me a humlbe sum of 5-10€. (Donations should go to oz dot tiram at gmail dot com), I'll mention you here for supporting my work.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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