pyarc2 0.5.0

Creator: bradpython12

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pyarc2 0.5.0

Python bindings for libarc2

This library presents a python interface to the low-level libarc2 library
used to interface with ArC TWO™. Most of the user-facing facilities of
libarc2 are present in this library. That being said, pyarc2 itself is
still relatively low-level and a general understanding of the internals of
ArC TWO is required.
pyarc2 maps most of the functionality of libarc2 so the API translates
fairly transparent. Most of the interaction with ArC TWO will be through the
Instrument class that encapsulates the implemented functionality of
libarc2. The library will keep being updated as new functionality is added.
For instance to read the current between two channels you can write
from pyarc2 import Instrument, find_ids

# low voltage channel (typically grounded)
LOWV = 7
# high voltage channel
HIGHV = 33
# read-out voltage
VREAD = 0.2

# Get the ID of the first available ArC TWO
arc2id = find_ids()[0]

# firmware; shipped with your board
fw = 'arc2fw.bin'

# connect to the board
arc = Instrument(arc2id, fw)

current = arc.read_one(LOWV, HIGHV, VREAD)
print('I = %g A' % current)

Additional functionality
pyarc2 can also be used to implement new plugins based on libarc2. Access
to the lower level object is done via Instrument::inner() and
Instrument::inner_mut(). These plugins can fully leverage libarc2
functionality but require some familiarity with Rust and the libarc2 API.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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