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pyasr 0.6.1
Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction in Python
PyASR offers a modern Python interface to PAML ("Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood")--tuned specifically for reconstruction
ancestral protein/DNA sequences.
NOTE: PyASR currently only supports protein reconstructions. This is a work in progress.
Basic Usage
import phylopandas as pd
import dendropy as d
import pyasr
# Use phylopandas to read a set of ancestor.s
df_seqs = pd.read_fasta('test.fasta')
# Use dendropy to read in tree.
tree = d.Tree.get(path='tree.newick', schema='newick')
# Reconstruct nodes in tree.
tree, df_seqs, df_anc = pyasr.reconstruct(df_seqs, tree, working_dir='test', alpha=1.235)
# Write out ancestor dataframe to a CSV file.
We can visualize the ancestors side-by-side with the tree using inside of JupyterLab
thanks to the ToyTree library.
This package is released on PyPi. You can install using pip:
pip install pyasr
To get the development version:
git clone
pip install -e .
The actual reconstruction calculation are done using PAML. This requires PAML to be
installed and the codeml/baseml executables exported to your $PATH environment variable. Directions for installing PAML can be found on the PAML website.
The following Python dependencies are required for PyASR to work.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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