pydantic-translations 0.2.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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pydantictranslations 0.2.2

Translations for pydantic errors.
Currently, we have translated pydantic v1.10.2 errors to the following languages:

de: German. 87/87.
es: Spanish. 87/87.
fr: French. 87/87.
it: Italian. 87/87.
nl: Dutch. 87/87.
ru: Russian. 82/87.

Need more languages? Contributions are welcome!
python3 -m pip install pydantic-translations

Let's say you have a pydantic model User:
from pydantic import BaseModel

class User(BaseModel):
age: int

The translations are managed by the Translator class that is instantiated with the locale (language) you want the messages to be translated to:
from pydantic_translations import Translator

tr = Translator('ru')

You can use translator as a context manager to translate pydantic exceptions raised from the context:
with tr:
User.parse_obj({'age': 'idk'})
# ValidationError: 1 validation error for User
# age
# значение должно быть целым числом (type=type_error.integer)

Or use the translate_exception method to directly translate an exception instance:
from pydantic import ValidationError

User.parse_obj({'age': 'idk'})
except ValidationError as exc:
exc = tr.translate_exception(exc)
raise exc

Or use the translate_error method to translate a specific error:
User.parse_obj({'age': 'idk'})
except ValidationError as exc:
err = exc.errors()[0]
err = tr.translate_error(err)
# {'loc': ('age',), 'msg': 'значение должно быть целым числом', 'type': 'type_error.integer'}

Custom translations
If you have translated the errors to a new language, the best you can do is contribute it back here. If, for some (legal?) reason, you can't, you may pass into the Translated as a locale a l10n locale with your translations:
from l10n import Locales

locales = Locales()
locale = locales['ua']
tr = Translator(locale)


The original error messages provided by @samuelcolvin and pydantic contributors.
The Russian translation is provided by @orsinium.
The German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Dutch translations are provided by Andovar translation agency.

Minor corrections and improvements are provided by the project contributors.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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