pydoer 1.0.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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pydoer 1.0.2

PYDOER - CLI Application
PyDoer is a CLI application aiming to automate executing multiple commands in different
terminal applications.

Source Code:


Terminal Configuration as code
Design Menu and commands using json config
Launch/Close commands


Free software: GNU General Public License v3.0

You need to have Python, Bash and gnome-terminal installed.

Install PyDoer in virtual environment:

Get the code

git clone

Install in a python virtual environment

cd doer
virtualenv env –python=python3
source env/bin/activate
pip install python-doer

Make pydoer cli available in path
Assuming ~/.local/bin is in $PATH

ln -s $PWD/env/bin/pydoer ~/.local/bin/pydoer

(Optional) Define useful aliases

Assuming you cloned the code in directory ‘/data/repos/doer’
alias doer='/data/repos/doer/env/bin/pydoer menu /data/repos/doer/python-doer/menu_entries.json'
alias close-doing='/data/repos/doer/env/bin/pydoer close-doing'
Install PyDoer for user:

Get the code

git clone

Install for user

cd doer
pip install –user python-doer

The pydoer cli should now be (automatically) in $PATH

(Optional) Define useful aliases

alias doer='pydoer menu /data/repos/doer/python-doer/menu_entries.json'
alias close-doing='pydoer close-doing'

To run, simply execute (either from within the virtual env or if you installed with user/global scope):


Basically you have 2 commands:

show interactive menu

pydoer menu </path/to/menu.json>
The program parses the entries defined in json formatted file defined by the user json’ file and renders
an interactive “Menu” in the terminal, waiting for the user to make a selection.
Each selection, generates a ‘do’ script which is responsible for opening/spawning one or more terminal applications.
For each terminal application, a ‘launch’ script is generated which is responsible for running certain commands on that terminal.

close windows spawned from previous activity

pydoer close-doing


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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