pydolphindb 1.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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pydolphindb 1.0.1



1. Installing pydolphindb

1.1 Prerequisites
1.2 Installation

2. Functions

2.1 Function Reference
2.2 Sample Code

3. Connecting to DolphinDB Using SQLAlchemy
Related Links

pydolphindb is a library that enables you to connect to the DolphinDB server in Python. It implements the classes and methods as defined in the DolphinDB Python API specification and is compliant with the Python Database API v2.0 specification (PEP-249). pydolphindb contains a Python DolphinDB client library and supports connecting to DolphinDB using SQLAlchemy.
1. Installing pydolphindb
1.1 Prerequisites
Make sure you use:

Python 3.7 or higher
DolphinDB 1.30.21 or higher can also 2.00.9 or higher

Install the following libraries:

dolphindb or higher
sqlalchemy 1.4 or higher while lower than 2.0

1.2 Installation
Execute the following pip command:
pip install pydolphindb

2. Functions
2.1 Function Reference


pydolphindb.connect(host, port username, password)
host (string) - hostname of the server to connect to.port (integer) - port number of the server to connect to.username (string) - username for login.password (string) - password for login.
Connect to database.

Create a cursor object.

cursor.execute(script,Parameters = None)
script (string) - script to execute.parameters (tuple, list or dictionary) - Optional. Parameters used with script.
Execute script.If parameters is a list or tuple, use %s as a placeholder in the script. If parameters is a dict, use %(name)s as a placeholder in the script.

script (string) - script to execute.seq_of_parameters (list or tuple) - a sequence (list or tuple) of lists or tuples used with script.
Execute the script against all parameter sequences specified in seq_of_parameters. Use this function for a batch insert operation.

Fetch the next record.

size (integer) - number of records to fetch.
Fetch multiple (as specified by size) records.

Fetch all records.

Note: pydolphindb does not support functions to commit or rollback a transaction.
2.2 Sample Code
In this example, we import pydolphindb with the import command, then connect to DolphinDB with the connect function. Functions execute and executemany are called to create and write to a database, respectively, through the specified DolphinDB script. Functions fetchone, fetchmany, and fetchall are called to fetch data from the database. The connection is closed with the close function.
import pydolphindb

# connect to database server
db = pydolphindb.connect(host='localhost',

# create a cursor object
cursor = db.cursor()

# DolphinDB script for creating a database
script = """
dbPath = "dfs://valuedb"
t = table(100:100,`id`time`vol,[SYMBOL,DATE, INT])
db=database(dbPath,VALUE, `APPL`IBM`AMZN)
pt = db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `id)

# execute DolphinDB script with execute()

# execute DolphinDB script with executemany()
cursor.executemany('insert into t values(%d, `%s, %.2f)',[(2,'b',3.5239),(3,'c',-0.93154)])

# get the next record with fetchone()
data = cursor.fetchone()

# the result is None
print ("Result:" + data)

# get the next two records with fetchmany()
data = cursor.fetchmany(size = 2)

# get all records with fetchall()
data = cursor.fetchall()

# close connection

3. Connecting to DolphinDB Using SQLAlchemy
SQLAlchemy is a Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper which is designed for efficient database access. pydolphindb is a Python DB API 2.0 (PEP 249) client for DolphinDB. The DolphinDB SQLAlchemy dialect is supported so you can connect to the DolphinDB databases through a SQLAlchemy engine.
The following script shows how to connect to and interact with DolphinDB through SQLAlchemy in Python:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# create an engine for connection
engine = create_engine("dolphindb://testuser:test123@localhost:8848")

# DolphinDB script for a database query
script = """
pt = loadTable("dfs://valuedb", "pt")
select * from pt

# run script with execute()
result = engine.execute(script)

# print all results


The DolphinDB SQLAlchemy currently does not support ORM (object-relational mapping).
When creating engine, pass the DolphinDB database URL to create_engine as a string in the following pattern: dolphindb://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}

Related Links

DB API 2.0 (PEP 249)
DolphinDB Manual
DolphinDB Python API


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