0 purchases
pyfetchh 1.5.3
Stylish and simple fetch for your terminal that is customizable and fast.
Python 3
fontawesome on your system
distro package on PyPi (only for linux systems)
psutil package on PyPi
colorama package on PyPi
Installation through the binary
Get the latest release through here
Copy the binary to /usr/bin
Make it an executable by running chmod +x /usr/bin/pyfetch
Installation from source
Clone the repo
Type pip install distro colorama psutil to install the dependencies (for Windows, it's only pip install colorama psutil but for Gentoo its pip install distro colorama psutil --user. The binary may also be accessable at pip3, python3 -m pip, python -m pip, py3 -m pip, or py -m pip.)
Type make install as root
Installation through the AUR package
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pyfetch-git.git
cd pyfetch-git
makepkg -si
Or use an AUR helper like yay:
yay -S pyfetch-git
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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