PyImageOrganizer 1.2

Creator: bradpython12

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PyImageOrganizer 1.2

Py Image Organizer
Easily sort images, videos, and random files by year/month/date and time.
Program uses the exif data to properly get date taken. If this cannot be found it will fall back to date modified.
Developed by Jessie Wilson (2022)
pip install PyImageOrganizer
If using Linux you must also install MediaInfo
sudo apt install mediainfo
pip uninstall PyImageOrganizer
Examples of How To Use
Example with callback
from py_image_organizer import ImageOrganizer

directory_to_parse = r"F:\IMPORTANT BACKUP\Pictures"
output_directory = r"E:\Pictures\sorted"

def callback_example(x):
This will output the progress and at the end the total progress in a dictionary

Example: {'string': 'Processing file 57 of 133874', 'percent': '0.0%'}
You can access either of these with x["string"] or x["percent"]

At the very end of the job the program will output a total
{"total_images": "20000",
"total_videos": "3200",
"total_unknown": "1901"}

image_organizer = ImageOrganizer(working_directory=output_directory)
image_organizer.parse_dir(directory_to_parse, callback=callback_example)

Example without callback
When not using callback the output is automatically printed to console in the format of a string.
from py_image_organizer import ImageOrganizer

directory_to_parse = r"F:\IMPORTANT BACKUP\Pictures"
output_directory = r"E:\Pictures\sorted"

image_organizer = ImageOrganizer(working_directory=output_directory)

"If you'd like to disable the output completely just set get_progress=False"
image_organizer.parse_dir(directory_to_parse, get_progress=False)

ImageOrganizer Parameters
working_directory Full path for the output of the sorted files.
image_dir_name A string for the image folder-name.
video_dir_name A string for the video folder-name.
unknown_dir_name A string for the unknown folder-name.
move_file If this is set to 'True' then the program will move instead of copying the files. (this will significantly speed the progress up if the files are on the same drive)
Default is 'False' (copy)
fast_parse If set to 'True' the program will not sort files with mediainfo. This will speed things up to a degree but substantially decrease accuracy. As it uses the mimetypes library from python which doesn't correctly handle all files and only checks the files by extension.
Default is 'False'
parse_dir() Parameters
dir_path Full path string/Pathlike object to parse.
get_progress If set to 'True' the program will show the user progress of the task.
Default is 'True'
recursive_search If set to 'True' it will search for files in all directories in the provided path.
Default is 'True'
callback Set this to a function on the script calling ImageSorter to get call back information
Default is 'None'


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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