pyjoulescope-driver 1.5.6

Creator: bradpython12

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pyjoulescopedriver 1.5.6

Joulescope Driver
Welcome to the Joulescopeā„¢ Driver project.
Joulescope is an affordable, precision DC energy
analyzer that enables you to build better products.
This user-space C library communicates with Joulescope products to configure
operation and receive data. The first-generation driver introduced in 2019 was
written in Python. While Python proved to be a very flexible language enabling
many user scripts, it was difficult to support other languages.
This second-generation driver launched in 2022 addresses several issues
with the first-generation python driver including:

Improved event-driven API based upon PubSub for easier integration with
user interfaces and other complicated software packages.
Improved portability for easier language bindings.
Improved performance.

For more information, see:

source code
Joulescope (Joulescope web store)
jls (Joulescope file format)

Python Installation
The python bindings work with Python 3.9 and later.
To use the python bindings, ensure that you have a compatible version
of python installed on your host computer. Then:
python -m pip install pyjoulescope_driver

For Ubuntu, you will also need to install the udev rules.
You can then run the pyjoulescope_driver python entry points:
python -m pyjoulescope_driver --help
python -m pyjoulescope_driver scan
python -m pyjoulescope_driver info
python -m pyjoulescope_driver info * --verbose

Note that you may need to change "python" to "python3" or the full path.
You can also use a python
virtual environment.
Ensure that your computer has a development environment including CMake.
Install cmake and your favorite build toolchain such as
Visual Studio, mingw64, wsl, ninja.
For macOS, install homebrew, then:
brew install pkgconfig python3

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
For Ubuntu:
sudo apt install cmake build-essential ninja-build libudev-dev

You will also need to install the udev rules:
$ wget
$ sudo cp 99-joulescope.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

cd {your/repos/joulescope_driver}
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . && ctest .

This package includes a command-line tool, jsdrv:
jsdrv --help
jsdrv scan

Build python bindings
Install a compatible version of Python 3.9 or later. To install
the pyjoulescope_driver dependencies:
cd {your/repos/joulescope_driver}
python -m pip install -U requirements.txt

You should then be able to build the native bindings:
python build_ext --inplace

You can build the package using isolation:
python -m build

Depending upon your system configuration, you may need to replace
"python" with "python3" or the full path to your desired python installation.
On Windows, you may be prompted to install the
Microsoft C++ Build Tools.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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