py3mailer 1.0.6

Creator: bradpython12

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py3mailer 1.0.6

A simple and convenient way to send emails ✉️ in python 🐍
pip install py3mailer

Usage guide

Importing the module
from pymailer import EmailService, build_message

Build an email message

Simple EmailMessage
message = build_message(fr_addr='', # Sender
to_addrs=[''], # List of recipients
cc_addrs=['' ], # List of secondary recipents
subject='Subject of Email',
content="Plain text contents of the email")

Extended EmailMessage with html body and attachments
message = build_message(fr_addr='', # Sender
to_addrs=[''], # List of recipients
cc_addrs=['' ], # List of secondary recipents
subject='Subject of Email',
content="Plain text contents of the email",
htmlcontent="<h1>Fancy</h1> html content of the email",
attachments=['absolute path to the attachment'])

Instantiate EmailSevice and send the message
service = EmailService(host='',
password='This is super secret')


Additional notes:

While creating EmailService its optional to specify the password. If the password is not specified it is assumed that the smtp email server does not require authentication.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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