pymathics-natlang 7.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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pymathicsnatlang 7.0.0

Mathics3 Natural Language Toolkit module.

Example Session
$ mathicsscript
In[1]:= LoadModule["pymathics.natlang"]
Out[1]= pymathics.natlang
In[2]= Pluralize["try"]
Out[2]= tries
In[3]= WordFrequency["Apple Tree and apple", "apple", IgnoreCase -> True]
Out[3]= 0.5
In[4] = TextCases["I was in London last year.", "Pronoun"]
Out[4]= {I}
More examples can be found in the test file.

Installing and Running
To use build module, you will need to install Python module nltk and spacy, and then install some data from
Language-specific words:
$ make develop # or make install
The above make command uses defaults the language to English. If
you would like to install for another language set the variable
LANG. For example:
$ make develop LANG=fr
In order to use the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet with NLTK and
use even more languages, you need to install them manually. Go to, download the data,
and then create a new folder under
$HOME/nltk_data/corpora/omw/your_language where you put the file
from wiki/, and rename it to
If you get the message
OSError: [E050] Can't find model 'en'. It doesn't seem to be a shortcut link, a Python package or a valid path to a data directory.
There is a problem with the spacy the library for advanced Natural Language Processing in Python.
You might be able to fix this running:
python -m spacy download en
Adjust “python” and “en” (the language you want) above as needed.

User customization
In order to use the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (OMW) with ‘NLTK’
and use even more languages, you need to install them manually.
Go to, download the data, and then create a new folder under
$HOME/nltk_data/corpora/omw/your_language where you put the file from
wiki/, and rename it to
Adding more languages to Open Multilingual Wordnet:
In order to use the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet with NLTK and
use even more languages, you need to install them manually. Go to, download the data, and
then create a new folder under
$HOME/nltk_data/corpora/omw/your_language where you put the file from
wiki/, and rename it to


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