pymonzo 2.2.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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pymonzo 2.2.1


Modern Python API client for Monzo public API.

Works on Python 3.8+
Fully type annotated
Explicitly defined and validated API schemas (via pydantic)
Easy authentication with automatic access token refreshing
Sensible defaults - don't specify account / pot ID if you only have one active
Optional rich support for pretty printing

This project is not officially affiliated with Monzo.
From PyPI (ideally, inside a virtualenv):
$ python -m pip install pymonzo

Quick start
Here's an example of what pymonzo can do:
>>> from pymonzo import MonzoAPI
>>> monzo_api = MonzoAPI()
>>> accounts = monzo_api.accounts.list()
>>> len(accounts)
>>> # Only one active account, so we don't need to pass it explicitly
>>> monzo_api.balance.get()
MonzoBalance(balance=75000, total_balance=95012, currency='GBP', spend_today=0, balance_including_flexible_savings=95012, local_currency='', local_exchange_rate=0, local_spend=[])
>>> from pymonzo.utils import n_days_ago
>>> transactions = monzo_api.transactions.list(since=n_days_ago(5))
>>> len(transactions)

Developed and maintained by Paweł Adamczak.
Source code is available at GitHub.
If you'd like to contribute, please take a look at the
contributing guide.
Released under Mozilla Public License 2.0.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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