pymp3 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

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pymp3 0.2.0

pymp3 - Read and write MP3 files
The pymp3 module provides a decoding/encoding interface to the MP3 audio format.
This library uses libmp3lame (lame) and libmad under the hood.
Binary distribution packages for Windows and *nix systems are available.
Using pip
pip install pymp3

Install from source code:
git clone
cd pymp3
pip install .

mp3.Decoder object (MP3-to-PCM convertor)
mp3.Decoder object provides an interface to MP3-to-PCM decoding capabilities.
It uses a well-known libmad under the hood.
Example of usage (convert *.mp3 file to *.wav):
import mp3
from wave import Wave_write

with open('input.mp3', 'rb') as read_file, open('output.wav', 'wb') as write_file:

decoder = mp3.Decoder(read_file)

sample_rate = decoder.get_sample_rate()
nchannels = decoder.get_channels()

wav_file = Wave_write(write_file)

while True:
pcm_data =

if not pcm_data:

mp3.Encoder object (PCM-to-MP3 convertor)
mp3.Encoder object provides an interface to PCM-to-MP3 encoding capabilities.
It uses a well-known libmp3lame under the hood.
Example of usage (convert *.wav file to *.mp3):
import mp3
from wave import Wave_read

with open('input.wav', 'rb') as read_file, open('output.mp3', 'wb') as write_file:

wav_file = Wave_read(read_file)

sample_size = wav_file.getsampwidth()
sample_rate = wav_file.getframerate()
nchannels = wav_file.getnchannels()

if sample_size != 2:
raise ValueError("Only PCM 16-bit sample size is supported (input audio: %s)" % sample_size)

encoder = mp3.Encoder(write_file)
encoder.set_quality(5) # 2-highest, 7-fastest
encoder.set_mod(mp3.MODE_STEREO if nchannels == 2 else mp3.MODE_SINGLE_CHANNEL)

while True:
pcm_data = wav_file.readframes(8000)
if pcm_data:

MPEG Layer version as returned by Decoder.get_layer():


MPEG mode as returned by Decoder.get_mode() or supplied to Encoder.set_mode()

mp3.MODE_SINGLE_CHANNEL: a mono (single channel)
mp3.MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL: dual channel mode. Caution! A dual channel mode is not supported by LAME encoder, use a stereo or joint stereo instead.
mp3.MODE_STEREO: a stereo mode (recommended for high bitrates)
mp3.MODE_JOINT_STEREO: a joint stereo mode (recommended for low bitrates)

mp3.Encoder (PCM-to-MP3 convertor)

mp3.Encoder(fp): Creates an encoder object. fp is a file-like object that has write() method to write binary data.

Class methods:

set_channels(nchannels: int): Set the number of channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo)
set_quality(quality: int): Set the encoder quality, 2 is highest; 7 is fastest (default is 5)
set_bit_rate(bitrate: int): Set the constant bit rate (in kbps)
set_sample_rate(sample_rate: int): Set the input sample rate in Hz
set_mode(mode: int): Set the MPEG mode (one of mp3.MODE_STEREO, mp3.MODE_JOINT_STEREO, mp3.MODE_SINGLE_CHANNEL). Note, a dual channel mode is not supported by LAME!
write(data: bytes): Encode a block of PCM data (signed 16-bit interleaved) and write to a file.
flush(): Flush the last block of MP3 data to a file.

Before closing the file, call flush() method to write the last block of MP3 data to a file.
mp3.Decoder (MP3-to-PCM convertor)

mp3.Decoder(fp): Creates a decoder object. fp is a file-like object that has read() method to read binary data.

Class methods:

is_valid() -> bool: Returns TRUE if at least one valid MPEG frame was found in a file
read(nbytes = None: int) -> bytes: Read mp3 file, decodes into PCM format (16-bit signed interleaved) and returns the requested number of bytes. If nbytes is not provided, then up to 256MB will be read from file
get_channels() -> int: Get the number of channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo)
get_bit_rate() -> int: Get the bit rate (in kbps)
get_sample_rate() -> int: Get the sample rate in Hz
get_mode() -> int: Get the MPEG mode (one of mp3.MODE_STEREO, mp3.MODE_JOINT_STEREO, mp3.MODE_SINGLE_CHANNEL or mp3.MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL)
get_layer() -> int: Get the MPEG layer (one of mp3.LAYER_I, mp3.Layer_II, mp3.Layer_III)

Building a binary package

[Recommended] Create python virtual environment with python -v venv venv and activate it with source venv/bin/activate
Install the packages required for development with pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

To build a binary package for your platform (*.whl), run:
pip wheel . --verbose

A result of this command will be mp3*.whl file in the current directory.
Optional --verbose parameter allows you to review the build process.
To install the built WHL file:
pip install pymp3*.whl

To build and install the package in a development mode:
pip install -e . --verbose

This command will build *.so file (or *.dll on Windows) instead of *.whl.
Optional --verbose parameter allows you to review the build process.
Unit testing
To run unit tests, use the following command (assuming the pymp3 module is installed in current python environment):
pytest tests

Troubleshooting build failures (C code)
The library is built with CMake, which is automatically called when setuptools is building the package.
You can call CMake directly to see the reported error messages:
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

If you have multiple python interpreters available on the system, then add -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=<path-to-python-exe> to hint CMake to use
the proper version. Otherwise, CMake will choose a default python interpreter.
This command will build (or pymp3.pyd) file in the respective build directory
(on Windows, it will be ./build/Release or ./build/Debug, on Linux, it will be ./build).
On Windows, by default, Visual Studio builds a Debug configuration.
Add --config=Release to build command to choose Release configuration:
cmake --build build --config=Release

By default, this project will download lame and mad libraries from github and compile them in-place.
If you want to use the system-installed lame/mad, then pass the following parameters to cmake command:


Allow user to define PYMP3_USE_SYSTEM_LIBMAD/LAME via environment variables, read them in and pass to cmake


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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