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pyontoenv 0.1.9
pip install pyontoenv
from ontoenv import Config, OntoEnv
from rdflib import Graph
cfg = Config(["../brick"], strict=False, offline=True)
# make environment
env = OntoEnv(cfg)
g = Graph()
# get the transitive owl:imports closure into 'g'
env.get_closure("https://brickschema.org/schema/1.4-rc1/Brick", g)
brick = Graph()
brick.parse("Brick.ttl", format="turtle")
# transitively import dependencies into the 'brick' graph, using the owl:imports declarations
# pull Brick graph out of environment
brick = env.get_graph("https://brickschema.org/schema/1.4-rc1/Brick")
# import graphs by name
env.import_graph(brick, "https://w3id.org/rec")
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