pyoxy 0.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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pyoxy 0.3

Copyright 2017 Toons, MIT licence


Ubuntu / OSX
>From development version
sudo -H pip install git+
If you work with python3
sudo -H pip3 install git+

>From development version
pip install git+

Using pyoxy
Compatibility with lisk and shift is not fully supported at the moment, if you go there you’re on your own !

Use Oxycoin API
api module allows developpers to send requests to the blockchain. For
security reason only run POST and PUT entrypoints from blockchain node.
>>> from pyoxy import api
>>> api.use("toxy") # work on testnet

All entrypoints can be reach using this syntax :
api.[METHOD].[entrypoint with "/" replaced by "."](param=value, ...[returnKey=name])
>>> # http equivalent [PEER ADDRESS]/api/delegates/get?username=toons
>>> api.GET.delegates.get(username="toons")
{'delegate': {'address': '12773656026018032534X', 'vote': '50649323252343', 'pub
licKey': '926f731a0fbc04d845fe10f6d4917c47317704af55151c08e07be6616220ddaf', 'us
ername': 'toons', 'rank': 28, 'rate': 28, 'approval': 0.5, 'producedblocks': 154
, 'missedblocks': 0, 'productivity': 100}, 'success': True}

It returns a python dictionary transposed from server json response. You can
provide a returnKey option value to get the field you want from server response
>>> api.GET.delegates.get(username="toons", returnKey="delegate")
{'address': '12773656026018032534X', 'vote': '50649323252343', 'publicKey': '926
f731a0fbc04d845fe10f6d4917c47317704af55151c08e07be6616220ddaf', 'username': 'too
ns', 'rank': 28, 'rate': 28, 'approval': 0.5, 'producedblocks': 154, 'missedbloc
ks': 0, 'productivity': 100}

Send Oxycoin
pyoxy bakes transaction localy using pynacl crypto library so no secret is
sent trough the network. only type-0 transaction can be broadcasted for now.
Amount is given in SATOSHI.
>>> from pyoxy import api, util
>>> api.use("toxy")
>>> util.sendTransaction(amount=100000000, recipientId="15981732227677853647X", secret="your secret")
{'success': True}

Command line interface
You can use pyoxy package without writing a line of code trough command
line interface. There are two ways to launch the CLI.
from command line
python -m pyoxy-cli
from python code
>>> from pyoxy import cli
>>> cli.start()
Welcome to pyoxy-cli [Python 3.5.1 / pyoxy 0.1b]
Available commands: network, account, delegate

How to send Oxycoins ?
>>> from pyoxy import cli
>>> cli.start()
Welcome to pyoxy-cli [Python 3.5.1 / pyoxy 0.1b]
Available commands: network, account, delegate
cold@.../> network use
Network(s) found:
1 - lisk
2 - oxy
3 - shift
4 - toxy
Choose an item: [1-4]> 4
hot@toxy/network> account link "your secret with spaces between quotes"
hot@toxy/account[15600...1854X]> send 1.1235 12427608128403844156X
{'success': True}

How to run a pool ?
>>> from pyoxy import cli
>>> cli.start()
Welcome to pyoxy-cli [Python 3.5.1 / pyoxy 0.1b]
Available commands: network, account, delegate
cold@.../> network use
Network(s) found:
1 - lisk
2 - oxy
3 - shift
4 - toxy
Choose an item: [1-4]> 4
hot@toxy/network> delegate link "your secret with spaces between quotes"
hot@toxy/account[15600...1854X]> share <amoun> --options=values

<amount> value can be:

relative value ie 10% of account balance
absolute value using decimal numbers 45.6
fiat ($60, £41, €62 or ¥125) value converted using coinmarketcap API

options can be :

-b or --blacklist a coma-separated-address-list or a full path to newline-separated-address file
-d or --delay the number of day you want to analyse voters behaviour
-l or --lowest the treshold payout to trigger payment (unpaid payout are saved)
-h or --highest the ceiling payout

Graphical user interface (python 3.x)
Run the pyoxy payout user interface: python -m pyoxy-ui

Toons <>

Support this project

Toons Bitcoin address: 1qjHtN5SuzvcA8RZSxNPuf79iyLaVjxfc
Toons Oxycoin address: 12427608128403844156X
Vote for toons delegate on oxycoin blockchain


Added lisk and shift network


ui pkg released


api mod released
crypto mod released
util mod released
cli pkg released


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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