pyRadKDE 0.7.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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pyRadKDE 0.7.1


easy_install pyRadKDE


Add “/usr/bin/” as script to your autostart (systemsettings->advanced->autostart) TODO: make it not show the GUI.
Run “/usr/bin/” to see it in your current session.
You can now call it with Alt-F6 or Meta-F6.

set a mouse gesture:

Add the mouse gesture to call D-Bus: Program: org.kde.pyRad ; Object: /MainApplication ; Function: newInstance
Alternately set the gesture to call the command “dbus-send –type=method_call –dest=org.kde.pyRad /MainApplication org.kde.KUniqueApplication.newInstance”
customize the menu by editing the file “~/.pyradrc” or right- and middle-clicking items.


call “” to start and show pyRad and “ –quit” to shutdown the process in the background. “ –help” shows the usage. “ –daemon” starts pyRad without showing the GUI.
In systemsettings add the mouse gesture to call D-Bus: Program: org.kde.pyRad ; Object: /MainApplication ; Function: newInstance
Use your gesture to call up the command wheel when you want to call one of your included programs.
Left-click the program to start it. You can also press the key shown in the programs tooltip for the same effect.
Right-click an item to edit it. Middle-click an item to add a new one after it (clockwise).
Make folders by clicking on the folder button and saving the item.Remove items by clicking on the delete button and saving the item. Actions are simply the commands you’d use on the commandline (there’s no shell scripting though, except via bash -c “for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done”).


new command scheme: right-click always edits, middle-click adds a new item. -done
items arranged clockwise. -done
Edit dialog should show the icon graphically. A click on the item should show the edit dialog we have when editing the K-Menu. -done
Edit dialog should have a radio button for the action: “create folder”. -done
register a global shortcut / gesture in KDE from within the program -> usable as soon as it’s installed. -partial (keyboard: Alt-F6)
make it show faster. -done
add option –only-daemon to only start the daemon without showing the GUI -done
right-click on center opens a general config dialog. -done
a general config dialog. -done
first run of new version shows image as usage guide. -todo


use plasma.
Show the program cathegories from the K-Menu.
Get the folders and actions from Nepomuk somehow -> favorites or such.
Option to have an auto-optimizing wheel layout :)
adjust icon size to the number of icons in the circle.
Adjust circle radius to the number of icons. Or better: Use a double-cycle (so the distances are always the same and muscle memory works :) ).
Show the icons inside a folder over/around the folder icon.
Add a CLI fallback, so people can also access their actions via the shell.
Check if an app is already open. If it is, simply switch to it (dbus -> get winID, forceActivateWindow(winID)?).
Sample DBus calls: dbus-send –dest=org.freedesktop.DBus –type=method_call –print-reply / org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames ; dbus-send –dest=org.kde.konqueror-14040 –type=method_call –print-reply /konqueror/MainWindow_1 org.kde.KMainWindow.winId; dbus-send –dest=org.freedesktop.DBus –type=method_call –print-reply / org.freedesktop.DBus.NameHasOwner string:”org.kde.pyRad”
To bring a background app to foreground, hide its main window, then show it again.
-> /konqueror com.trolltech.Qt.QWidget.hide + …show + hide pyRad
PID stuff:
Talk to DBus directly (for higher performance). -> dbus-send –type=method_call –dest=org.kde.pyRad /MainApplication org.kde.KUniqueApplication.newInstance
(from -done, left here for reference to the site.

PyPI url:

pyRad Changelog
pyRad 0.7.1

FIX: catch error on not selecting an icon.

pyRad 0.7.0

Select icon graphically via kdialog.

pyRad 0.6.2

FIX: Crashed on killing via –kill.

pyRad 0.6.1

FIX: Crashed on logout and quit via tray icon.

pyRad 0.6.0

Add a tray icon (status notifier).

pyRad 0.5.3

FIX: KAboutData breaks udev if given an url with http:// as website.

pyRad 0.5.2

FIX: non-working image access in eggs.

pyRad 0.5.1

Added missing image to the source distribution.

pyRad 0.5

Added a config dialog with flattr.
FIX: The Edit Dialog description was too long.

pyRad 0.4.4

Icon Editor: show a preview of the icon.
Icon Editor: Added a delete and a folder.
Register Alt-F6 and Meta-F6 als global shortcuts.
FIX: Crash at logout ⇒ Added shutdown handling.

pyRad 0.4.3

FIX: wrong console icon in default config.
FIX: If the tooltip was too long, it wasn’t shown at all. Now only the first 100 chars are shown
Folders in brackets

pyRad 0.4.2

Improved the –help output.
Improved the tooltips for folders.

pyRad 0.4

Added keyboard shortcuts for all items and hiding via the escape key.

pyRad 0.3.3

FIX: KUniqueApplication: TypeError: keyword arguments are not supported

pyRad 0.3.2

Added –daemon argument to start pyRad without showing the wheel.

pyRad 0.3.1

FIX: Upper level changes weren’t saved.

pyRad 0.3

Largescale rewrite in the battle for startup performance. It’s now a KUniqueApplication and after the first run, subsequent runs only call the already running (but hidden) instance. Still the imports take the major share of the startup time.
New command scheme: Right-click always edits the item, middle click adds a new item after the clicked one.
Items are arranged clockwise.
FIX: Changes in the layout were only effective after the next start. Now changes take effect immediately.

pyRad 0.2

Right-click on an item opens an edit dialog.
Changes are saved directly to the .pyradrc

pyRad 0.1.1

moved the Rad class into a seperate file ( - same performance but cleaner.
added a version header to the .pyradrc file, so it will be possible to update it transparently when changes should be necessary.

pyRad 0.1

Initial version.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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