pytekukko 0.16.0

Creator: bradpython12

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pytekukko 0.16.0

pytekukko -- Jätekukko Omakukko API client

Simple asyncio client for the Jätekukko
Omakukko API.
The API of this package is modeled closely after the Omakukko
API. Only read operations are implemented (well apart from, strictly
speaking, login/logout), and there are no plans to add support for any
write ones.
Usage in a nutshell:

construct an aiohttp ClientSession,
construct a Pytekukko client with it and your credentials,
invoke methods on the client.

The Omakukko API uses cookie based sessions, use a persistent aiohttp
to maintain client session across interpreter restarts.
High level client methods handle logging in when the need to do so is
detected. If the detection is successful, there is no need to
separately track session expiration or use the login method in the
first place.
For usage examples, see utilities in the pytekukko.examples
package. Executables and dependencies for these are installed when the
package is installed with the examples extra, invoke them with
--help for usage and setup information:

pytekukko-collection-schedules: output collection schedules in JSON
pytekukko-invoice-headers: output basic info on invoices in JSON
pytekukko-next-collections: output next collection dates in JSON
pytekukko-update-google-calendar: update Google Calendar with
events for next collections

This package is not supported by or endorsed by Jätekukko. Do not
bother them with questions or issues related to it.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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